四年级下册英语第一单元试卷 一

发布 2023-11-17 14:35:03 阅读 8650

unit 1综合能力测评。


part1 speaking说(15%)


1. first 2. second 3. library 4. playground 5. homework

6. teachers' office 7. computer room 8. art room 9. music room 10. next to


1. where's the teachers' office?

2. is it on the second floor?

3. is that the computer room?

4. do you h**e a library?

5. the teachers' office is next to the library.


m:welcome to our school!

w:oh! it's so big! how many students are there in your class?

m:forty students.

w:do you h**e a music room?

m:yes, we do. it is on the second floor.

w:where is the library?

m:the library is on the second floor, too. it's next to the art room.

this way, please! part2 listening听(30%)


) 1. a. garden b. art c. class

) 2. a. teacher b. computer c. ruler

) 3. a . music b. milk c. next

) 4. a. way b. we c. where

) 5. a. first b. floor c. fourth



) 1. where is the___

a. garden b. canteen c. classroom

) 2. we h**e a newroom.

a. computer b. art c. music

) 3is your library.

a. that b. this c. there

) 4. she's in the

a. school b. gym c. music room

) 5. how manyare there in your school?

a. teachers b. students c. books

四、听录音,根据你听到的句子选择正确的答语。(每小题2分,共 10分)

) 1. a. it's on the second floor. b. it's the music room.

) 2. a. yes, i am. b. yes, it is.

) 3. a. thirtyeight. b. 45 yuan.

) 4. a. yes, we does. b. yes, we do.

) 5. a. thank you. b. you're welcome.


part3 reading and writing



) 1. water a. ruler b. pencil

) 2. tiger a. playground b. eraser

) 3. farmer a. computer b. library

) 4. sister a. board b. dinner

) 5. under a. where b. winter


) 1. a. library b. computer room

) 2. a. gymb. teachers' office

) 3. a. art room b. music room

) 4. a. playground b. garden

) 5. a. classroom b. art room


) 1. a. b. c.

) 2. a. b. c.

) 3. a. b. c.

) 4. a. b. c.

) 5. a. b. c.


) 1this a library?

a. is b. do c. are

) 2. there are many books in the

a. library b. gym c. music room

) 3. our music room is___the second floor.

a. on b. in c. to

) 4. how many __are there in your school?

a. gym b. library c. teachers

) 5. the __is next to the gym.

a. teacher office b. teachers' office c. teacher's office


) 1. where is the art room?

) 2. do you h**e a playground?

) 3. welcome to our school. this way, please.

) 4. is that the computer room?

) 5. how many students are there in your class?


welcome 1our school! 2is the teachers'3that is our 45are 45 students in our 6we h**e lunch 7school. the lunch room is on the 8floor.

we h**e a library 9a playground,too. our school 10beautiful.


welcome to my school. there are 40 classrooms in my school. look,this is a big playground.

the gym,the library and the art room are on the first floor. there are many storybooks and picture books in the library. you can read books in it.

my classroom is on the second floor. it's big and clean. i like my school very much.

) 1. there areclassrooms in my school.

a. forty b. fifty c. four

) 2. the playground is

a. small b. nice c. big

) 3. the art room is on thefloor.

a. first b. second c. third

) 4. my classroom is

a. cool b. small c. big and clean

) 5. imy school.

a. don't like b. like c. doesn't like

unit 1综合能力测评。

part 2 listening

听力材料:一、1. art 2. computer 3. music 4. way 5. first

二、1. this is the teachers' office.


一 找出下列每组单词中不合群的单词,填序号。6分 2.to 4.room office 5.room room 二 根据英文写出中文或根据中文写出英文 20分 1操场2.餐厅,食堂3.that 4.花园 5.图书馆 office 9.体育馆 s的原型 11.美术教室 room 13.洗手间 room...


一 基本数据统计。四 1 班平均分为84.4,四 2 班平均分为86,四 3 班平均分为83.2,四 4 班平均分为79.2,四 5 班平均分为78.2,四 6 班平均分为83,四 7 班平均分为78.4,四年级学生学习英语的积极性差,底子差,成绩不是太理想。二 试题情况。试题由听力和笔试两大部分构...


2013新人教版英语四年级上册第一单元测试题unit1 my classroom 姓名分数 一根据汉语提示补全下列单词 10分 1 ind w 窗户2 l gh 灯 3 ll 墙 4 ict e 图画 5 d r 门 6 f 风扇 7 loo 地板 8 com t 计算机 9 bl kb rd 黑板...