
发布 2020-09-19 01:59:28 阅读 9386

unit 1 signs lesson 1 don't walk


)1. 当有人问你“她叫什么名字?”,你回答:

a. my name is amy.

b. her name is amy.

c. his name is amy.

)2. 当你想告诉别人你有一个新朋友,你说:

a. i h**e a friend.

b. i h**e a new classmate.

c. i h**e a new friend.

)3. 下午和朋友见面,你说:

a. good morning.

b. good afternoon.

c. good evening.

)4. 当你想让别人看这张**时,你说:

a. look the picture.

b. b. look at the picture.

c. see the picture.

)5. 你想知道朋友说的人是学生还是老师,你问:

a. student or teacher?

b. student and teacher.


1. i (h**e/has) a friend.

2. she (like/likes) music.

3. how many (book/books) do you h**e?

4. he has big (eyes/eye).

5. let (me/i) clean the desks.







jim green and i 1 twin brothers. we are 2 .lucy king is 3 english girl .

we’re in the same 4 . she is eleven. 5 are twelve.

we’re good friends and 6 . our chinese 7 is miss gao. she’s a nice teacher.

we all 8 her.

) amb. isc. are d. be

) america b. american c. america d. american

) ab. an c. the d. ×

) classb. classes c. class d. classes

) ib. he c. they d. we

) classmate b. a classmate c. classmates d. a classmates

) teacherb. student c. teachers d. students

) areb. love c. put d. see


jack was a school boy. he didn’t like going to school. he always wanted to h**e more holidays.

one day he made a telephone call to his teacher and said in a voice. the voice sounded (听起来) like his father’s. “i am sorry to say that jack is ill in bed.

he won’t go to school for three of four days.”

“oh,” said the teacher, “i’m sorry to hear that, but i want to know who is speaking?” my father, sir.” said jack.

the teacher got very angry.

) 1. jack was very angry.

) 2. jack wasn’t ill in bed.

) 3. the teacher was sorry to hear that jack’s father was ill.

) 4. the teacher knew that jack was speaking at last (最后).


二、 三、1.不要走!





四、1. c 并列主语为复数形式,与系动词are连用。

2. b c、d拼写不正确。具有国家性质的形容词作表语, 说明主语是哪国人,a也不妥,只能表达国家,不能表达哪国人。

3. b english以元音音素开头,其前用an。

4. a the same后跟单数名词且没有大写首字母,表示“同一……”

5. d we指jim green and i。

6. c “同班同学”,用复数。

7. a 从下句中的teacher可知。

8. b “喜欢,热爱”。

五、f f f t

北师大版四年级作业设计 第一单元

一 在计数器上画出相应的珠子。二 判断。1一千一千地数,三十五万后面第三个数是三十八万。2一个一个地数,六万九千九百九十九后面的一个数是七万。三 填一填。1.34075中的 4 在 位上,表示 2.82403600中的 4 在 位上,表示 3.由7个百万 5个千 8个百和9个一组成的数是 四 一个数...


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姓名。一 看拼音,写汉字。g n ni n j ng zh ng f y j n sh ng ng j ng y u xi r ng r n p i y qi n x y n s xi ng d d ban二 比一比,再组词。叨优 即。叼忧 既 资恩 级。姿思 及 三 把下面的词语补充完整。身 境因...