
发布 2024-03-07 13:40:08 阅读 8135

exercises for unit 3








1. a: is this your___

bwhat __is the___

b: it is___绿色的)

3. i like the___黄色的) _with the

蓝色的。what are they?

b:they are my___白色的)__and___棕色的)__

are my brother’s___红色的and___棕色的)__

6. is this your___


are they?

colour is the t-shirt?(黄色的)

this your jacket, amy? (john’s)

colour are the socks?(黑色的)

this a dress?


)1. look! these___my green socks.

a. is b. are c. h**e

( )2. _is it? it’s orange.

a. what time b. what colour c. whose

( )3. is that your___

a. shoes b. dresses c. jacket

( )h**e a new skirt __my birthday party.

a. on b. to c. for

( )5. whose is the dress? it’s___

a. me b. chen jie’s c. she

)6. whose dress is it?

a. it’s his dress. her dress. my brother dress

) my baby pants.

) h**e a new dress___birthday party.

) this your t-shirt?

it is. it is it’s not.

) time __go to school.

) is this sweater?

my my sister. my brother’s.

) neighbour __a new baby.

b. h**e

)13. please take __your jacket.

c. on ) my shirt. those __your jeans.

/ is / are c. are / is

)15is this story-book? it’s jack’s.


) c. grape

) class

) up home room to school


) colour is your sweater? a. yes, it is.

)2 what are they? b. it’s my sister’s

)3 is that your pencil case? c. it’s five o’clock.

)4 whose is the book? are my shoes.

)5what time is it now? e. it’s brown.


1.is this your sweater. no

2.what __is it? it’s twelve

3.it’s 9:45. it’s time for

4.this is mythat is __computer.

5.where is myit’s on the __



ab1、( what colour is the bag? a、no, they aren’t.

2、( where is the t-shirt ? b、yes, it is.

3、( are they jeans c、 it’s zhangpeng’s.

4、( whose is thatd、it’s pink.

5、( is this your skirt? e、it’s on the bed九、阅读理解,判断对错,对的打“√”错的打“×”10分)

i’m zhangpeng. it’s 6:40.

it’s time to get up. i wear my new t-shirt. it’s yellow.

and i wear my green shorts. they’re old. but i like them very much.

i h**e class today, so i wear my white shoes. at 7:00, i h**e some hamburgers and milk for breakfast.

then i go to school at 7:20.

)1、i get up at 6:40.

)2、i h**e a yellow shirt. it's new.

) go to school at 7:20

) 4. at 7:00i h**e some hamburgers and milk for breakfast.


班级姓名 一 根据汉意写出下列单词。32分 1.夹克衫2.连衣裙3.牛仔裤 恤衫 5.衬衫6.裙子7.毛衣8.长裤。9.袜子10.鞋子11.短裤12.颜色 13.红色14.蓝色13.黄色14.绿色 15.白色15.不是16.不是的。二 完成句子 10分 1 where are my袜子 2 what...


classname 一 补全单词,写中文。t sh t p k20.r ng 二 翻译。1 红色连衣裙2 蓝色裙子。3 白色衬衫4 谁的夹克衫。5 绿色t恤衫6 我爸爸的。7 你弟弟的8 mike的。9 这么多颜色10 我妹妹的连衣裙。9 这是我的红色夹克衫。10 这是谁的夹克衫?它是我妈妈的。11...


四年级下册unit three a 姓名学号。一 补全单词,写中文。t sh t p k20.r ng 二 翻译。1 红色连衣裙2 蓝色裙子。3 白色衬衫4 谁的夹克衫。5 绿色t恤衫6 我爸爸的。7 你弟弟的8 mike的。9 这么多颜色10 我妹妹的连衣裙。9 这是我的红色夹克衫。10 这是谁的...