
发布 2024-03-07 18:45:13 阅读 3363

classname __


1. quiet2、strong3、science


二、 写出下列字母的前后邻居(10分)

rr ss tt vv

三、 请圈出下列单词中的元音字母。(5分)

1、a p p l e2、 v e g e t a b l e3、s o u p

4、 m i l k5、 c o m p u t e r


1、cake name2、bike this

3、ruler bus4、that three (

5、good go6、box six

7、my many8、your thirty (

9、what where10、student cute (


oor ite r ler amp loor

an boall l ng hair sho t hair


)1、a. fishb. long c. short

)2、a. hot dog b. hamburger c. hat

)3、a. kangaroo b. monkey c. key

)4、a. eraser b. crayon c. light

)5、a. notebook b. math book c. sports


)1、this is his photo. lookis tall.

a. he b. she c. he’s

)2、heshort brown hair.

a. h**e b. has c. there is

3、listen music.

a. to b. of c. for

)4、she is a girlname is lucy.

a. his b. her c. it’s

5、she music.

a. like b. likes c. to like


ab1. what’s in your schoolbaga. yes, i do.

2. do you like musicb. some book.

3. who’s your best friendc. i h**e many friends.

4. how many friends do you h**e? d. zhang qiang is.

5. what colour is your erasere. it’s green.


1. h**e, new, i, a, friend

2. very, she, music, likes, much

3. is, he**y, you, too, schoolbag

4. do, h**e, how, you, bananas, many

5. black, short, has, he, hair


1. are you a (老师)or (学生)?

2. she’s a女孩), not a男孩).

3. i h**e a好朋友).

4. may i use your (尺子)?

5. this is my书).

6. there is a包),a铅笔)on the desk.


( )1、当你向同学们介绍你的好朋友留着黑色短发时,应该说:

a. he has long black hair.

b. he has short black hair.

c. he has big eyes and long hair.

( )2、当你要告诉同学们你喜欢科学课时,应该说:

a. i like math. b. i like science.

c. i like computer games.

( )3、当你问你的同学是否会拼写新学的英文单词时,应该说:

a. can you help me?

b. can you see the words?

c. can you spell these words?

( )4、当你鼓励同学勇敢地试一试时,应该说:

a. please h**e a try. b. please come in.

c. please help me.

( )5、当你告诉妈妈你有一位美国朋友时,应该说:

a. mom, i h**e a new friend.

b. mom, i h**e an american.

c. mon, i h**e a chinese friend.

十。二、小作文。请以“my friend”为题,写一篇短文。字数不少于50字,并用上以下词语。(5分)

my friend


unit 1 my classroom all right行了,好吧,病 好了。boardn.木板 布告牌 委员会 的 部 v.上 船 火车 飞机 classmaten.同班同学。classroomn.教室。cleanvt.弄干净,擦干净 过去式cleaned a.清洁的,干净的。computern...


classname 一 补全单词,写中文。t sh t p k20.r ng 二 翻译。1 红色连衣裙2 蓝色裙子。3 白色衬衫4 谁的夹克衫。5 绿色t恤衫6 我爸爸的。7 你弟弟的8 mike的。9 这么多颜色10 我妹妹的连衣裙。9 这是我的红色夹克衫。10 这是谁的夹克衫?它是我妈妈的。11...


四年级下册unit three a 姓名学号。一 补全单词,写中文。t sh t p k20.r ng 二 翻译。1 红色连衣裙2 蓝色裙子。3 白色衬衫4 谁的夹克衫。5 绿色t恤衫6 我爸爸的。7 你弟弟的8 mike的。9 这么多颜色10 我妹妹的连衣裙。9 这是我的红色夹克衫。10 这是谁的...