四年级上册第三单元PartA第二课时教学设计 1

发布 2024-03-04 10:52:08 阅读 6715

四年级上册unit3 parta let’s talk教学设计。

教学内容:part alet’s talk


2.能根据描述判断出描述的是哪一个人。3.能听懂、会唱“let’s sing”部分的歌曲。4.单词“his”的含义和使用。





t: good morning, boys and good morning, miss li.

t: i’m your new teacher, nice to meet nice to meet you, too.2. enjoy a song: friends.

二)预习(preview)a guessing game:

1)it has two long ears and a short tail. it has big red eyes. it likeseating grass.

and it can jump, jump, jump. what is it?(rabbit)

2)it’s very big. it has a long nose and a short tail. it has small eyesand big ears.

what is it?(elephant)

三)新课呈现(presentation)a. let’s talk.1.新课导入。

教师先做自我介绍:“my name is…”然后提问一名男生:“what’syour name?”该名学生回答之后,教师说:“his name is…/he is…”

接着问:“what’s his name?”启发学生回答:“his name is…”引导学生反复操练。

2.教师指着一名女生问:“what’s her name?”学生回答:“her nameis…”然后让学生反复进行问答练习。

3.课件出示a. let’s talk**,指两名学生问,如:t: what’s hisname?s1: his name is who is she?

s2: she is john’s mother.


4.让学生**教学课件,然后回答问题。(1)does john h**e a chinese friend?

(2)what’s his friend’s name?(3)is he tall and strong?answers:

(1)yes, he does.(2)zhang peng.(3)yes, he is.



1. introduce your friends

课件分别出示两幅**,请学生使用句型( is ….he/she has ….介绍**中的人物。2. let’s chant.

课件出示let’s chant部分的内容,并听录音学唱chant。


1.课件依次出示五张**,要求学生能够利用所学句型,进行操练。句型如下:what’s his/her name?

his/her name is …/he/she is…what’s he/she like?he/she is/has… and draw.


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