期末教案 unit7第一课时

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新课标英语七年级上册unit7 how much are these pants ?



彭玉慧 2090531318

黄晓心 2090531342

teaching plan of unit 7 how much are these pants ?

textbook: book7a

period: the first period of unit 7

aims and requirements

1. new words: socks, shirt, t-shirt, sweater, shoe, skirt, shorts, pant, sale, dollar

2. questions and answers:how much is/are…?it’s/they are…dollars.

3. teaching goal: let students learn to ask about prices, talk about clothing.

visual aids:

1、 teaching ppt

2、 words cards

teaching procedures in detail:

step 1 greeting and lead-in

t: good morning, boys and girls.

s: good morning, miss huang.

t: is everyone here?

s: yes.

t: very good.

t: i want to ask you some questions. who buy clothes for you?

your mother, or your father?

s: …t: where do you buy clothes?

s: 服装店。

t: right.(打开ppt, 呈现出一张服装店店面的**)look, this is a clothes store.

would you like to go shopping with me ?

s: yes.

t: ok. let’s go to the clothes store.

(老师再呈现一张里面有各种衣服的服装店的**)what can we see in the store?

s: 衣服。

t: yes. there are many clothes in the store. are they beautiful?

s: yes.

t: now let’s look at this picture(老师呈现出一张短裤的**) what are they?


yes, they are pants, (拿出词卡)因为裤子有两条裤腿,所以我们要用复数形式表示。 read after me, pants, p-a-n-t-s, pants

s: …t: if you want to buy them, what question do you want to ask?

现在我们看到自己喜欢的衣服,想要买,应该怎么问呢?how can we ask about prices?

s: …t: well, today we will learn unit 7: how much are these pants?

step 2 presentation

t: first of all, let’s learn something about clothes. what clothes do you know?

s: …t: very good.

today we will learn some clothes. look at this picture(呈现一张短裤的**), what are they?

s:短裤。t: yes, they are shorts. (拿出词卡) read after me , shorts,s-h-o-r-t-s. shorts.

s:…t: look at the picture. (呈现出一双袜子的**) what about they?


very good. they are socks(拿出词卡), they h**e two pronunciations. we can either say /sa:

k/ or /sk/. 我们经常使用的是/sk/,now read after me again, socks, we can say “a pair of socks”一双袜子。

t: look at this one(呈现一双鞋子的**), what are they?

s:鞋子。t: yes. they are shoes. (拿出词卡)read after me ,shoes, 老师在在教单词的同时并把这些单词板书在黑板上)




t: 大家看一下这些单词有什么相同之处呢?

s: 这些单词后面都加s.

t: very good. 我们都知道,pants, shorts都表示裤子,有俩条裤腿,所以要用复数形式。


s: …t: look at this picture(呈现一张毛衣的**), what is it?


very good. this is a sweater. (拿出词卡) sweater, s- wea –ter .

read after me .sweater.

s: …t: (呈现一张t恤衫)look, is it lovely?

s: yes.

t: it is a t-shirt. (拿出词卡) read after me .

t-shirt. ir读\ :why we call it “t-shirt”?

because it looks like a “t”.

s: …t: look at this,(呈现一张衬衫的**) what is it?

s:衬衫。t: yes, it is a shirt. (拿出词卡) read after me .s-h-i-r-t. shirt.

s: …t:(呈现出一张短裙的**)look, is it beautiful?

it is a skirt(拿出词卡)read after me ,s-k-i-r-t. skirt.

s: …t: (呈现一张帽子的**)look at this, what is it?

s:帽子。t: well. it is a hat, (拿出词卡) read after me , h-a-t. hat.

s: …老师边教单词边板书)




hatt: today we h**e learned some clothes. can you remember? what are they?

s: …t: (拿出词卡)good. please read these words after me。(学生看着词卡跟着老师读了之后)

t: now i show the cards, and you read the words.(边展示词卡边纠正学生的发音)now, spell the word.

s- wea -ter.

s: …t: you h**e a good job. boys and girls, when we buy these clothes, what do we need?

s: money.

t: yes. we need money. now please look at the screen. what is it?


good. we call it “dollar”. one dollar is about seven yuan .

同学们,记住了。在这里的dollar是一个可数名词。2美元, we should say“two dollars”.

它的符号是$. 而我们中国的人民币-yuan则是一个不可数名词,单复数同形,它的符号是¥.

t:(呈现一张短裙的**)now i want to buy this skirt. it is 5 dollars.

do you know how to ask about the prices?我们应该怎么向店员询问这条裙子的**呢?

s: …t: well, we can ask “how much is this skirt?

” and he will answer“ it is 5 dollars”(老师把句型板书出来)

板书: how much is this skirt? it is 5 dollars.

t:(呈现一双鞋子的** )if i want to buy these shoes, they are 7 dollars, how can we ask about the price?

s: …t: yes, we can say “how much are these shoes?

” and he will answer “they are 7 dollars”.

板书:how much are these shoes? they are 7 dollars.

step 3 practice

t: now open your book and turn to page41. look at 1a, we h**e many words here, shall we read these words together?


t: on the right, there is a picture. there are some clothes a, b, c, d, e, f, g.

can you see them? now you need to match the words with the clothes. 大家现在需要把左边衣服的单词和右边**里的衣服连在一起。

the first one is done for you. look at b, these are socks, the first one is socks. so we write b, socks.

please do the rest.


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