
发布 2024-02-28 06:25:11 阅读 5020


1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:too, trousers, gloves, so, dress, party.

2. 能初步用以下句型whose … is this/that? whose … are these/those?

it’s / they’re my father’s/… 询问和交流物体的主人。

3. 能正确理解课文内容。

4. 能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。

重点:1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:too, trousers, gloves, so, dress, party.

2. 能初步用以下句型whose … is this/that? whose … are these/those?

it’s / they’re my father’s/… 询问和交流物体的主人。

3. 能正确理解朗读课文内容。

教学过程:step 1. warming up & free talk


t: hello! boys and girls!

ss: hello! (兴奋)

t: we dress up in beautiful clothes today.

t: look at my sweater.

s1, 2, 3: it’s…

t: it’s my mother’s.

boy: look at my cap.

s4, 5, 6: it’s …

boy: it’s my father’s.

girl: look at my skirt.

s7, 8, 9: it’s …

girl: it’s my sister’s.

t: do you like our clothes today?

ss: yes. how nice! it’s great.

t: we are going to a fancy dress party

learn: fancy dress party


t: would you like to go to the fancy dress party?

ss: sure.

t: let’s go to the shop to buy some clothes first.

step 2 lead in – sing a song the clothes shop

1. t: here we are. 课件出示服装店图和**。

ss: ok. (sing a song the clothes shop四上歌曲)

blue skirts and t-shirts, yellow shoes and socks.

they’re very cheap and they are very good.

you can try them on. you can buy them all.

ha! ha!

2. t: what clothes are in the shop?

s: blue skirts and t-shirts, yellow shoes and socks.

t: what other clothes in the shop?

s: (简单列举之前学过的服饰类单词)

t: let’s go and see.

ppt 出现动画服饰礼盒打开:

dress gloves trousers

step 3 presentation

1. 单词配以夸张的服饰**学习。

1) gloves 根据拼读规律学习love-glove-gloves-a pair of gloves

t: what are these?

s: they’re gloves.

t: (通过动作和**引导学生说) they’re …

ss: big.

2) trousers 按音节拼读tr – ou –sers ,强调ou/a/的读音,a pair of trousers.

t: what are those?

s: they’re trousers.

t: (通过动作和**引导学生说)the trousers are ..

s: long.

3) dress (在之前的fancy dress party中已接触,这里强调它的两种不同含义)连衣裙;打扮/装扮。

t: what is it?

s: it’ s a dress.

t: the dress is …(通过动作和**引导学生说)

s: short

2. chant

t: these clothes are fun. let’s chant about it. listen to me, first. (节奏声)


dress, dress, my dress is too short.

try on, try on, you can try this on.

trousers, trousers, your trousers are too long.

try on, try on, you can try these on.

ha! ha!

learn: too太…

强调读音try this on 和try these on

s: chant together.

3. change some words and try to make a new chant.

课件显示:**t-shirt-small, gloves-big

step 3 enjoy the story

1. t: good, some children are going to the fancy dress party, too. who are they? (出示图4)

s: they’re yang ling, mike, su yang and su hai.

2. listen and tick.

t: they dress up in funny clothes at the party. what clothes are they talking about?

let’s listen and tick. (出示**选项:trousers, shoes, t-shirts, gloves, dress, socks, jacket, cap)

tips: 仔细听一听,找出孩子们谈论的服饰。

ss: listen and tick.


2. scan and match.

t: you h**e magic ears. now it’s time to open your books and scan the story.

find out: what do these children wear at the party?

tips: 快速浏览故事,找出孩子们身上装扮的服饰。

ss: read and match(课件中以**形式出现)

check3. detail reading and underline

t: well done! you are read carefully.

屏幕将刚刚match图中su yang戴手套图和helen穿裙子图放大)

t: look at sun yang’s gloves. they’re … 师利用夸张的动作引导学生回答)

s: they’re (so) big.

t: look at helen’s dress. it’s…(师利用夸张的动作引导学生回答)

s: it’s beautiful.

t: whose gloves?

s: father’s.

t: whose dress?

s: cousin’s.

t: how do you know?

please find relative sentences and underline.

tips: 请把谈论gloves和dress主人的语句勾划出来。

ss: read and underline

s1: whose gloves are these, su yang? they’re my father’s.

s2: whose dress is this, helen? it’s my cousin’s.

t: great. (板书whose… is this?

whose … are these?)带读若干遍,but when we use whose… is this? when we use whose … are these?


s: 当问单数物品用whose… is this?;当问复数物品用whose… is this?。

t: wonderful. 再次带读并完整板书。

whose… is this? it’s …’s.

whose … are these they’re …’s.

4. listen and repeat.

t: let’s listen and repeat the whole story.

在跟读过程中讲解so的含义和用法:so “那么”表示说话人一种感叹的语气。

引导学生有感情地朗读:they’re so big. it’s so beautiful.

5. read in groups of four

t: you read very well. let’s read in four. (小组内按照一至四号的顺序朗读)

6. read the story together

step 5 act the story

read fluently 流利的朗读。

★read fluently and beautifully 流利、有感情地朗读。

★★act it out emotionally 有感情地表演。

step 6 consolidation

make a new dialogue.

t: liu tao, yang ling and tim are at the fancy dress party, too. look!

they dress up in funny clothes. what are they talking? let’s make a new dialogue according to the story time.


liu tao, wang bing,yang ling and tim are at the fancy dress party, too. look! 他们也穿上了有趣的服饰。



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