
发布 2024-02-17 19:00:04 阅读 9475

一、 请用听写本翻译下面单词及句子。(限时15分钟)

1、今天早上 2、去看电影 3、下周

4、明信片 5、报纸 6、今晚 7、今天下午

8、去旅行 9、明天 10、今天晚上

11、阅读杂志 12、漫画书 13、买

14、忙绿的 15、商店 16、鞋店。

17今天晚上你打算去**? 18、我打算去银行。19、明天你将要去做什么?


21、你打算怎样去? 22、我打算坐校车去。23、你打算什么时候去? 24、我打算在5点去。

25、你将要去买什么? 26 我将要去买一些报纸。

read the conversation and choose the answers补全对话。(选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整, 将字母编号填在横线上,每条横线2分,共10分。)

a. what day is it today? b.

thank you. c. yes, i am.

d. what are you going to do there? e.

yes, we are. f. what are you going to do this weekend?.

g. what’s the date today?

ab: it’s friday.

a: oh, weekend is coming

b: i’m going to shen zhen with my parents.

a: are you going by bus?ba

b: we are going to visit my grandparents.

a: h**e a good trip.


in am what buy this on at where with is busy magazines)

i __liu yun. i’m going to h**e aweekendsaturday morning, i’m going to buy a new cd and somein the bookstorethe afternoon. i’m going to the supermarket __my mother on sunday.

we are going tomany things for next week. we are going3:00 after lunchabout youare you going next weekend?


1. tom

amy: i’m going to the park tomorrow.

2. mike4:15

lily: i’m going to go swimming at 4:15.

3. mom

sam: i’m going to the cinema by bike.

4. john

jim: the post office is next to the cinema.

5. dad

jim: sarah is going to buy a pair of shoes.

九、read and choose the answers (阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将其字母符号填在句子前面的括号里,每小题1.5分,共15分)

my name is tim, tomorrow is the weekend. i h**e no classes. my parents aren’t going to work.

but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. my mother is going to buy something for next week. my father is going to visit my aunt and uncle.

i am going to play computer games with my cousin. tomorrow evening we are going to h**e a big dinner. after that we are going to the cinema.

i think we are going to h**e a nice weekend.

1. (tomorrow isa. saturday b. sunday

2. (my mother is __a. going to go shopping b. going to the bookstore.

3. (i h**e___a. a cousin b .a brother

4. (my father is __s . a. at home b. going to my uncle’s home.

5. (i ‘ma. going to the supermarket b. going to the cinema

hello,we are chen jie and sarah. we don’t go to school on the weekend. we are going to plant trees.

.but first, we are going to the bookstore to buy books about plants. second, we need some plants.

so we are going to the plant shop. we want to be science teachers one day.

( )jiea. goes to school b. doesn’t go to school

) 7. they are going toa. plant trees. b. plant flowers.

) are going to buy __in the plant shop. a. books b. plants

) 9. chen jie is going to bea. a science teacher. music teacher

) 10. are they busy?? they are. b. no, they aren’t.

十、假如你是mary,你这个周末打算去动物园,是和amy一起去,你们打算做坐公共汽车去,坐地铁回来。(五句话) (10分)


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