
发布 2024-02-16 01:55:11 阅读 6333

一. 将下面的单词补全。(10 分)

l_b_ary (图书馆) p_st o_ _ice(邮局) b_ _kst_ _e(书店) c_nema(电影院) s_bway (地铁) tr_ffic(交通) t_m_rrow(明天) m_g_zine (杂志) b_sy(忙碌)

二. 按要求写单词。 (10分)




三. 选择单词或词组。(每个只能用一次)(10分)

under, white, play cards, in bed, speak to(这里加一个方框吧。

1. the book is __the bed.

2. could i __mike ,please?

3. don’t read __it’s bed for your eyes.

4. it is a __pencil.

5. i will __with mike this week.

四. 开心做选择,快乐你我他。(20分)

)1.__do you go to school?

a. what b. how

) usually go to school __foot.

a. on b. by c. in

)3.__there a bookstore near here ?

a. is b. are c. do

)4. i’m going to __my grandparents.

a. visit b. visiting c. visits

)5. what are you going to do __saturday morning?

b. on c. in

) many apples in the bag .

a. is b. h**e c. are

) to buy a birthday card for my mother.

a. do b. want c. play

)8. they often get up __six in the morning.

a. on b. at c. in

)9. do you want to___chess?

a. play b. eat c. h**e

)10. my grandmother is my father’s

a. mother b. father


1. i would like to drink some coffee.(改为一般疑问句)

2. he does his homework in the evening.(改为否定句)

3. there are forty-five students in our class.(对划线部分提问)

4. it is an orange.(改为复数形式)

6. can, how, i ,the, nature park, get to .(连词成句)

六.找出下面句子的答语。(10 分)

)thank you very much.

) what does that cloud look like?

) can you fly a kite ?

) where did you go yesterday ?

) why can’t you swim in the pool?

) excuse me , may i borrow you pen?

) what will you do this summer?

) what’s your brother’s name ?

) what do you want to do ?

) what’s the weather like today ?

a. yes, i am.

b. because i’m scared.

c. you are welcome !

d. it’s rainy.

e. i will go to xi’an

f. it looks like a rabbit.

g. i went to the park .

h. his name is bob.

i. sure, here you are.

j. i want to swim.


在上海, 随着轨道交通的发展,地铁商铺应运而生,并且在重要商圈已经形成一定的气候,投资经营地铁商铺逐渐为一大热门。在人民广场地下的迪美购物中心,有一家diy自制饰品店--“碧芝自制饰品店” hello! i’m lily.

there are six people in my family, my father, my mother, my brother and my grandparents. my father works in a school, he is a teather, he usually goes to work by bike. my mother works in a hospital, she is a nurse, she likes working with numbers, she often helps sick people, she goes to work by bike, too.

my brother is a senior school student. he likes math and science very much. he is going to be an engineer.

he usually goes to school by bus. my grandparents are all entire, they often go to park when we are out of home. i love my family.

我们长期呆在校园里,没有工作收入一直都是靠父母生活,在资金方面会表现的比较棘手。不过,对我们的小店来说还好,因为我们不需要太多的投资。( 1.

my father is a teacher .

)2. my mother often goes to work by bus.

根本不知道□( 3. my brother works in a hospital.

)4. my brother is going to be an engineer.

)5. there are six people in my family .


1、你一个月的零用钱大约是多少?there is a big old dog in my house. the dog is from america.

it’s black . every day i take some food to him. the dog sees me and comes up.

the food is in my hand. the dog comes to me and eats the food. after that i play with him.

it’s really a smart pet. i give some food to my dog. so the dog knows me .

i often go out for a walk with my dog. i like the dog and the dag likes me. we are good friends.

)1. the dog is __

a. b. 自制饰品一反传统的饰品消费模式,引导的是一种全新的饰品文化,所以非常容易被我们年轻的女生接受。black b. red c. white

2)东西全( )dog eats the food

a. in my hand b. in my bag my basket.


更能让学生家长所接受。( 3. i give the dog some food __

a. b. 据介绍,经常光顾“碧芝”的都是些希望得到世界上“独一无二”饰品的年轻人,他们在琳琅满目的货架上挑选,然后亲手串连,他们就是偏爱这种diy的方式,完全自助。

on weekends b. everyday c. in the mirning.

在上海, 随着轨道交通的发展,地铁商铺应运而生,并且在重要商圈已经形成一定的气候,投资经营地铁商铺逐渐为一大热门。在人民广场地下的迪美购物中心,有一家diy自制饰品店--“碧芝自制饰品店”( 4. the dog is __

a. young b. old c. smallb.


巨日合中心校2011 2012学年度。小学六年级英语期中测试题。命题人 佟丽华。一 选出划线部分发音与所给单词划线部分相同的单词。10分 1 these a me b bedroom c english d blue 2 hat a h e b plate c name d lake 3 some ...


六十铺中心校六年级英语期中测试 100分 命题人 mr han 姓名得分。一 按顺序写出从e e 到 n n 的大小写字母。10分 二 将下列单词归类 写序号 15分 1.文具用品类。2.身体部位类。3.颜色类。三 读一读,选择正确的答案。10分 1 当你问候别人的身体时,你会说 a.fine,th...


儿童英语网 听力部分。一 听录音,选择你听到的单词 短语或汉语意思。10分 1.a.younger b.stronger c.longer d.thinner 2.a.牙疼b.头疼c.喉咙疼d.感冒。3.a.skiing b.skating c.sick d.swimming 4.a.生气的b.兴奋...