
发布 2020-07-21 02:28:28 阅读 4475



一、 听录音,选出你听到的字母组合或单词,将序号填入题前的括号里。(10分)



1. -where is theit is next to the post office.

2at the cinema.

3. -how do you come to school?--usually,i come

4. he lives in australia, but he

5.--how does sheshe is







) is next __the park __yongchang street. a. to, at b. on, on c. to, on

) interesting film! a. a b. an c. the

) must attention __the traffic lights. a. pay, for b. pay, on c. pay, to

)4. at a green light. a. stop b. wait c. go

)5are you going? -to the bookstore. a. where b. when c. what

) are going to a film space tr**el . a. see, on b. see, about c. see, from

) you type quickly , you can be a . a. secretary b. coach c. worker

)8. he a very healthy life. a. h**e b. has c. h**e to

) is going __teach him the song “jasmine flower”.

a. to, chinese b. to, chinese c. in, chinese

) to be a head teacher his father.

a. want, like b. wants, likes c. wants, like

) peng playing football, but he playing basketball.

a. likes, likes b. doesn’t like, likes c. not likes, likes

)12. the usa people bikes must wear one . a. in, in b. in, on c. in, on

) peter's uncle ? a. does, does b. does, do c. do, do

)14. my pen pal is good doing word puzzles. a. in b. on c. at

)15. the children afraid mice. a. is, at b. are, of c. is, with


1. we shouldstudy) hard and stay healthy.

familytake )a trip next week.

father often goes to othercountry).

you like science, you can be ascience).

not gohike) after school?


he, flying, songs, likes, and, kites, singing (?连词成句)


学校2012 2013学年度上学期。六年级eec英语期末试题。出题人 part 笔试部分 一 read and write 写出下列单词的正确形式 5分 1 big 比较级。解析 bigger。big为重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母,其比较级应双写该辅音字母加er。2 big 最高级。解析 b...


1 一根绳子剪成两段,第一段长米,第二段占全长的,两段相比 a.第一段长b.第二段长c.一样长 d.无法确定 3 要剪一个面积是12.56平方厘米的圆形纸片,至少需要面积是 平方厘米的正方形纸片 取3.14 a.12.56 b.14c.16d.20 4 若a是非零自然数,下列算式中的计算结果最大的是...


一 看拼音写词语。10 o xi n x u r k n c xi n m m n u n j n r n j n t o zh y n ch u xi n sh u h l j q n 二 先将成语补充完整,再解释要解释的加点字,最后按要求分类。8 刚正不一 一和喜 乐见。好 喜功惟 惟肖字正 圆...