
发布 2020-07-21 02:29:28 阅读 4929



) 1. i __many crayons, but my sister __only has

) he___

) 3does she __to work? by motor cycle.

a. how; gob. when; goc. how;

goes )4aretheyh**ingapicnic?--yes

they is

) 5. i like __the violin and __emails.

a. play; write b. playing; write c. playing;writing

) 6. zhang peng is __andthan john.

a. tall; he**y b. taller; he**y c. taller;


) 7. i can’t go hiking with my classmates. i’m __

a. angryb. excitedc. sad

)8. what___youdolastnight? i___tothecinema.

went ) 9. there __a football matchclass 1 and class 3.

a. are; inb. is; betweenc. is;

from ) 10. the giraffe is __the deer is __

a. tall; shortb. strong; thinc.

long; short


f. sunday g. people h.

expensive i. stronger 九月份()2、工程师()3、人们()4、更强壮的()5.男人()6、杂志()7、大象()8、昂贵的()9.星期日()10、想;思考()七、阅读理解。听两遍。



mike: hi! sarah. how tall are you?sarah: i’m 146 cm. how about you?

mike: i’m 156 cm tall. sarah, did you help your mother on saturday?

sarah: yes, i washed the clothes and cleaned the room. what did youdo on saturday?

mike:oh, your parents on sunday?

sarah: no, we didn’t. usually we go to the park and h**e fun.

but wevisited my grandparents yesterday. we watched tv together and ate lotsof good food.

) 1. mike iscm tall. .


c. 164

) 2. did sarah help her mother on saturday

a.no, she didn’t. b. she helped her mother. c.

yes, she did.

) 3. mike played with___on saturday.

a.johnb. sarahc. his


) 4. usually sarahwith her parents.

to the park

) 5. sarahwith her grandparents.

a.watched tv b. ate good food c. both a

and b.


there are four seasons in a year. they are spring, summer, fall andwinter. spring is green.

it’s warm. you can see many beautiful flowers

and green trees in spring. summer is bright. (颜色鲜艳的) it’s hot, sowe can swim in the sea.

fall is gold.(金色的)it’s cool. the sky isblue.

you can see many colourful le**es. they are very nice. winter iswhite.

it’s very cold. it snows sometimes. you can make a snowman andskate in winter.

which season do you like best?

) 1. spring’s colour is white.

) 2. we can swim in the sea in summer.

) 3. in fall, we can see many colourful le**es.( 4. it always snows in winter.

and it’s cold in winter.

八、根据中文提示,填入所缺单词。(共10分,每小题2分)1.--what does sarah usually do on the weekend?--she usually看电视) .

2. -what did you do on your holiday?

-i went to beijing and拍照) there.3.我比我的哥哥高。

ithan my brother.4.张鹏现在正在拉小提琴。

zhang peng isthenow.5.假期里我照了许多的**。

i __manyon my holiday.

九、连词成句。(共10分,每小题2分)1、are, feeling, how, you (?

2. h**e, do, you, pen, a (?

3. go, i, can, bus, by (?

4. chinese, she, saturday, a, read, afternoon, book (.

5. went, present, friends,i, for, bought, my, (



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