
发布 2020-07-21 02:30:28 阅读 3265





1.国庆节假期2. 刚才。

3. 拔胡萝卜4.去年儿童节。

5. 禁止乱丢杂物6. 在三月十二日。

7. blow out the off your costume___

9. look around10. walk in the mountains___


1. were(原形2. two(序数词)__

3. there(同音词4. same(反义词。

5. sit(现在分词6. after(反义词。

7. diary(复数8. my(名词性物主代词)__

9. h**e(过去式10. tasted (原形。


) 1.‘keep off the grass’means we walk on the grass.

a. mustb. shouldn’t c. should

) 2. don’t litterplease.

a. pick up it b. pick it up c. pick it on

) 3. it’s cold today. please your sweater.

a. put onb. take offc. turn on

) 4. at dragon boat festival, people usually .

a. eat moom cakes b. eat chocolate eggs

c. eat rice dumplings

)5. _hairdryerisfromfather.


) 6. –where _ you just now? –i __in the classroom.

a. were; were b. were; was c. was; were

) 7. the children sang a lot of songs children’s day

last week.

a. onb. on; atc. at; on

) 8. you h**e a good time that day?

a. dob. werec. did

) 9. may i use __ruler? i can’t find

a. you; my b. your; myc. your; mine

) 10. any orange juice in the bottle.

a. there aren’t b. there isn’t c. there is

) 11. the book is his. .

a. give it to him b. give him to it c. give it to his

) 12. the first day of a week is __

a. monday b. saturday c. sunday

) 13. is on the thirty-first of october.

a. easter b. new year’s day c. halloween

) 14. –would you like to play football? -yes

a. i’d like b. i’d like to c. i like

) 15. there is a birthday present __you __nancy.

a. for; to b. from; to c. for; from


1. the sign on the wall means you shouldn’tsmoking).

2. what holidaycome) after easter?

3. wang bing usuallygo) to bed at nine every day,

but yesterday hego) the bed at ten..

4. look! mikemilk) cows.

5. bennot go) to school yesterday. he __be) ill.

6. gao shan is watching theexcite) running race.

he is veryexcite).

7. therebe) a pair of glasses on the desk .


1. it’s the tenth of september.(对划线部分提问)

is it today?

did my homework last weekend. (改为否定句)

imy homework last weekend.

3. there are some fruit trees on the farm. (改为一般疑问句)

thereapple trees on the farm?

are my mother's earphones.(划线提问)

are the earphones?

5. i planted some trees this morning. (对划线部分提问)

whatdo this morning?

6. nancy, race, a, and, mike, running, watching, are (连词成句)


1. 上个周我去了公园。

ito the park


my motherup


he is ben somepublic __

4. 你必须远离这栋建筑物。

youstaythe building.

5. 你的生日是什么时候?在四月一号。


5. 这个滑板是他的。

the skateboard is


mr brown lives in a village(村庄), but he works in a big city. he goes to work by train every morning and comes home in the same way.

this morning, when he was reading his news***** on the train, a man behind him said“hello”to him and began to talk to him,“your life is not interesting, isn’t it? you take the same train every morning, and you always in the same seat and read the same news*****.”“how do you know all that about me?

”mr brown said angrily(生气地).


一 看拼音写词语。10 o xi n x u r k n c xi n m m n u n j n r n j n t o zh y n ch u xi n sh u h l j q n 二 先将成语补充完整,再解释要解释的加点字,最后按要求分类。8 刚正不一 一和喜 乐见。好 喜功惟 惟肖字正 圆...


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