
发布 2020-05-29 09:29:28 阅读 8242





( )farm the land. kites football.

( )year ago years ago c. three years ago

( )down this street and turn right at the traffic lights.

down this street and turn left at the traffic lights.

down this road and turn right at the traffic lights.

( )the great wall b. the big ben c. the cn tower


)我晚上六点吃晚饭。 b.我晚上七点吃晚饭。 c.我早上七点吃早饭 。

)它在中国的北部。 b.它在中国的南部。 c.它在中国的东部 。

)我们打算去参观长城。 b.我们已经参观了长城 。


)医院在邮局的后面。 b.邮局在医院的后面。 c.医院在邮局的后面吗?

) 你想要什么? b.你想要哪一个?



三、中英互译。( 20 分)







四、单项选择题( 20分)

)1. where did you go last sunday

i __to the park.

a .go b. went c .going

) 2. in english classes, we often practise

a .listen and speak and speak

and speaking

) to the cinema. we can __a film.

a. go look b. go see c. goes look

) 4. you can get off the bus __the second then you’ll find a hotel __your left.

a. in on on at

) 5. there __many tall buildings in it

a. is b. was c. are

) 6. xi’an is famous __the terracotta army

a . to b. for c. as

) 7. it is one of the___towers___the world.

a. tallest in b. tallest on c. tall in

) 8. there is a shop___the bank___the bookshop.

a. between with b. behind and c. between and

) often __me___my english.

with b. helps with c. help on

) book is veryi amin it.

a. interesting interested interested

c. interested interesting

五、根据短文内容选择填空。( 10 分)

hello, everyone! i would like to __you about our english years ago, we __to learn english. our english teacher taught us __many ways.

we h**e learned a lot of words and sentences. we used them to tell __we often learned from each all did a __job.

) 1. a. telling b. tells c. tell

) 2. a. began b. begin c. beginning

) 3. a . inb. on

) 4. a. storyb. stories c. storys


peter: hi , tom .summer vacation is coming!__1

tom: yes,i am going to tr**el around the world.


tom:i am going to visit the cn tower , the tower bridge and the disneyland3

peter:i am going to london with my parents.

tom4peter: by plane.

tom: would you like to visit the tower bridge too ?


七、 阅读理解。(20分)

a) buying a ticket

ken is a football likes football very much. there is a football match between chinese team and england team. he wants to watch it.

he comes to the box office(售票处) and gives the clerk 20 yuan. the clerk says,“please give me another 20 yuan. the price(**) of a ticket is 40 yuan.

”why?” says ken, i just watch chinese team. i don’t want to watch the other team at all.

do you want me to buy a ticket for them? no, no, no…”


) is a football match between chinese team and american team.

) gives the clerk 20 yuan.

) price of a ticket is 20 yuan.


班级姓名 满分 100分温馨提示 做题要细心哦!交一份满意的答卷给老师。i 词汇 20分 a 请根据词意,用正确的英语表达完成句子。1 linda has a 电脑she plays games on it 2 there are three 铅笔in my pencil box 3 tom has...


2015年点睛学校六年级英语期末考试试卷。姓名分数。一 听录音,判断你听到的内容与下列句子是否相符,相符的在括号内写 t 不相符的写 f 读两遍,共5分 1 there are 26 pupils in our class.2 peter s f ourite subject is art 3 mi...


姓名分数总分50 一 看拼音,写词语。3分 q n k n k ng k iw i y z x nji n mij n sh n 二 本学期,我们积累了许多像扬长避短 深入浅出等由反义词构成的成语,你能写几个这样的词吗?最少写4个 2分 三 某小学准备在草坪边树一块警示牌,意思是提醒同学们不要踩草坪...