
发布 2020-05-29 09:19:28 阅读 3995




1. 头疼2. 喉咙疼。

3. 去游泳(过去式4. 爬山(过去式。

5. 学汉语(过去式6. tongue twister

7. last weekend8. h**e a fever

9. visit grandparents10. went to a park


1. read(过去式2. take(过去式。

3. sing(过去式4. buy(过去式。

5. do(过去式6. big(比较级。

7. he**y(比较级8. young(比较级。

9. watch(第三人称单数形式10. run(ing形式。


) 1. how does john feela. 80 cm.

) 2. where did mike go yesterdayb. i h**e a toothache.

) 3. what’s the matterc. he went to a park.

) 4. how long are your legsd. no, i didn’t.

) 5. did you go fishinge. he’s so happy.

四、选择正确答案。 (30分)

) 1. i __good food last night.

a. eatb. atec. eated

) 2. i’m __today,because i failed the math test.

a. happy b. excited c. sad

) 3. i’m 11 years __i’m 2 years __than jim.

a. old, older b. older, older c. old, old

) 4. did you __pictures yesterday?

a. tookb. take c. taking

) 5. john likes __the violin.sarah is going to give him a cd.

a. playb. plays c. playing

) 6. kunming is known as .

a. spring city b. ice city c. mountain city

) 7. we left beijing february 1st.

a. onb. atc. in

) 8. -what does your father do?


a. ab. thec. an

) 9. -how tall are you?

i’m 163 cm

a. tallb. taller c. tallest

) 10. mike isthan zhang peng.

a. he**ier b. he**y c. he**yer

) 11. how are you, li hua? youso happy.

a. looksb. lookc. looking

) 12. -what do you usually do on the weekend?

i usuallymy homework.

a. dob. doesc. did

) 13. my motherto the cinema yesterday.

a. gob. goesc. went

) 14. can you playviolin?

a. theb. ac. an

) 15. line up from taller to

a. younger b. shorter c. older


1.than taller me she’s

your are feet how

3.saw i elephants yesterday

4.last did what you do weekend

5.where go you yesterday did



johnat home last weekend.


this dog isthat one.


zhang peng isandthan mike.


where you on your holiday?


mike isbecause hefishing with his father yesterday.


bill was busy last weekend. he washed his clothes saturday morning. then he went to a park.

on saturday afternoon, he did homework and went fishing. on sunday morning he cleaned his room, then he visited his grandparents. on sunday afternoon, he played football and watched tv.

) 1. bill went to a garden saturday morning.

) 2. bill did homework and went skating.

) 3. bill cleaned his room sunday morning.

) 4. bill played football and watched tv sunday afternoon.

) 5. bill did some housework last weekend.

八、writing. (书面表达。) 10分)

my holiday为题,写一篇作文。提示词:by bus, climbed mountains, rowed a boat, took

pictures, saw monkeys…,不少于40个单词。


时间 60分钟满分 100分 班级姓名分数。亲爱的同学们,学期即将结束,让我们来盘点收获吧,用你的自信和智慧,认真答题,相信你一定能成功。1 填空。每空1分,共18分 1.地球的表面积是五亿一千零六万七千八百六十平方千米,写作平方千米。改写成用万作单位的数是 万平方千米。省略亿后面的尾数约是 亿平方...


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