
发布 2024-02-16 02:00:11 阅读 9388



一.判断下列划线字母发音是(t)否( f )相同.(10分)

1. horse draw2. after china

3. life difficult4. father thirty

5. gap hat6. afternoon school( )

use8. those think9. cool town


1. this (复数2. hobby(复数。

3. luck (形容词4. fly (第三人称单数)__

5. take (现在分词)__6. does not(缩写。

7. i (名词性物主代词 (现在分词) _

9. one (序数词最高级。


) camera is

a. you

)2.--whose towel is it? –it’s

a. her b.

)3. the weather is good __your health.

a. atb. forc. with

)4. su bingtian __high and __fast.

a. jump, run b. jumps, runs c. jumping, runing

)5. look! mother is __the table.

a. set b. seting c. setting

)6. i usually go to school

a. by a bus b. by bus c. by the bus

)7. _a beautiful city it is !

a. whatb. how c. what

)8. i think we h**e __interests.

a. the same of

)9. what __the boy usually __after school?

a. do do b. does does c. does do

)10.—when is national day?--it’s in

a. december b. october


1. the coat is notii) coat is over there.

2 .tomplay) the piano now.

3. linda usuallydo exercise) after work.

4. do you wantgo ) shopping with me?

5. take thetwo) crossing on the left.

6. uncle wan**isit) america this vacation.

7. howlove) the animal is!

8. christmas alwayscome) in december.

9. shenot ) know how to go to the hospital.

五。 根据汉语提示写单词或短语使句子完整。(10分)

1. whose雨伞) are those?

2收集)stamps is my hobby.

3. sam likes读) a storybook.

4. she can弹吉他)

5. my father has two beautiful手表)。


) bag is this? a. mine is red.

) she like peb. i like dancing.

) your hobby? c. yes, she does.

) glasses are red? linda’s .

) are you going to do? e. i’m going to the museum.

七。 根据要求完成下列句子。(12分)

sister usually goes to the park for a picnic.(变成一般疑问句)

2. i think he can ride a horse. (变成否定句)

cousin is going to the museum this sunday.(对划线部分提问)

4. i’m going fishing. he is going fishing, too. (合并为一句话)

5. he does his homework every day.(变成一般疑问句)

6. whose umbrella is it?(改为复数句)

八.圈出下列句子中的错误并改正。( 8分)

1. i had like to wear a coat on monday

a bc2. does you brother often go hiking

a bc3. we go to the party next week

abc4. my f**orite month is in february

ab c九.阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10分)

easter is a very important festival in many countries. it's in spring. it usually comes in march or april.

eggs and rabbits are the symbols(标志) of are in different colors. you can see many things look like eggs or rabbits in the shops. and you can see muny girls wearing hats.

these hats look like and rabbits are usually madle of((由…制成) chocolates. they look lovely and taste delicious, enster eggs can be big or small. they mean good luck and best wishes.

children like them very much.

) can see colorful eggs and rabbits on___

a. the spring festival b. christmas c. easter day

) 2. easter comes in

or februaryb. february or march

c. march and aprild. march or april

) eggs and rabbits are usually __


杭垓小学教育集团六年级英语测试卷。磻溪校区邱慧。学校 班级 姓名 听力部分 40分 一 听音,判断。与录音内容相符的在括号内打 与录音内容不符的在括号内划 10分。6 how tall are you?7 i m 1.65 meters tall.8 i stayed at home and wat...


学校班级姓名学号。密封线内不要答题。2009 2010学年度第二学期六年级英语学科期末。调研测试参考试题。考试时间 60分钟,总分 60分 听力部分 共30分 一 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。读两遍 8分 1.a.lessonb.listenc.learn 2.a.gameb.samec.name ...


小学六年级英语2011 2012学年第二学期期中测试卷。班级 姓名 成绩 玉亭中心第一小学金丽彦。听力部分 20分 一 听录音,选出你听到的单词。5分 1 a.chair b hair 2.a.game b.take c.face 3a.sunday b.monday c tuesday 4a.ch...