
发布 2020-07-15 17:32:28 阅读 7036






)6、how tall are you?

)7、i’m 1.65 meters tall.

)8、i stayed at home and watched tv.

)9、how was your week?

)10、what did you do last night?


) 1. a. tallb. taller c. shorter

) 2. a. biggerb. smaller c. small

3. a. he**y b. hall c. he**ier

) 4. a .readb. readsc. reading

) 5. a. watchesb. watched c. watching

) 6. a. smallerb. shorter c. stronger

) 7. a. last night b. last week c. last weekend

) 8. a. sawb. sleptc. had

) 9. a. didb. wasc. is

) 10. a. how b. what c. where


) 1. a. i'm 46 kg. b. tom is 3kg he**ier than me. c. mike is thinner than me.

) 2. a. it was good. b. i’m fine. c. she is happy.

) 3. a. she watched tv b. he watched tv. c. she watches tv.

) 4. a. we can go by bus. b. you can go by bus. c. turn left.

) 5. a. we are going to the cinema.

b. by bus.

c. next wednesday.


) yes. i cleaned my room and washed my clothes.

) i stayed at home with your grandma and watched tv.

) you are a good boy.

) it was good.

) did you do anything else?

) how was your weekend?

) what did you do last weekend?

) hi, grandpa. how are you?

) i watched tv, too.

) i’m fine, thank you.



) 1. a. he**ier b. bigger c. thinner d. young

2. a. how b. what c. where d. well

3. a. taller b. shorter c. cleaner d. bigger

4. a. did b. little c. was d. is

5. a. older b. fat c. younger d. taller

6. a. big b. thin c. smaller d. he**y

7. a. m b. kg c. than d. cm

8. a. read b. cleaned c. saw d. watch

9. a. slept b. wash c. h**e d. see

10. a. getting b. lower c. becoming d. growing


t_ll_r(更高的) h_ _vier(更重的) th_nn_r(更瘦的)

sma_ _er(更小的) s_ w(看) s_ _pt(睡觉) b_ _ger(更大的 )

cl_ _ned( 打扫 ) w_ t_hed(看电视) wa_ _ed(洗衣服)


1 . tall you how are (?

2. taller stronger and than i’m you (?

3. dinosaur tallest hall in that’s this the (

4. last you what do did weekend (.

5. my cleaned and i washed room clothes my(?)



a. where is the post office? b. how can i get there?

c. thank you very much. d. what are you going to do?

e. is it far from here? f. that's ok.

g. when are you going?

a: excuse me

b: it's next to the bookstore.

ab: yes, it is.

ab: you can go by the no.302 bus.

get off at the hospital, and then turn left .you can see it

a: i'm going to buy a post card, and send it to my cousin

b: you're welcome.


zoom was busy last weekend. he washed his clothes saturday morning. then he went to a park.

on saturday afternoon, he did homework and went fishing. on sunday morning he cleaned his room, then he visited his grandparents. on sunday afternoon, he played football and watched tv.

) 1. zoom went to a garden saturday morning.

) 2. zoom did homework and went skating on saturday afternoon.

) 3. zoom cleaned his room sunday morning.

) 4. zoom played football and watched tv sunday morning.


学校班级姓名学号。密封线内不要答题。2009 2010学年度第二学期六年级英语学科期末。调研测试参考试题。考试时间 60分钟,总分 60分 听力部分 共30分 一 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。读两遍 8分 1.a.lessonb.listenc.learn 2.a.gameb.samec.name ...


小学六年级英语2011 2012学年第二学期期中测试卷。班级 姓名 成绩 玉亭中心第一小学金丽彦。听力部分 20分 一 听录音,选出你听到的单词。5分 1 a.chair b hair 2.a.game b.take c.face 3a.sunday b.monday c tuesday 4a.ch...


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