
发布 2020-07-15 17:34:28 阅读 7472






1.( a. chair b hair

2. (a. game b. take c. face

3a. sunday b. monday c tuesday

4a. china b. canada c. australia

5a. always b. never c. usually


1a. li ming is a good basketball player .

b. li ming is a good bus driver .

2a. i like swimming in the ocean !

b. i like to play on the beach .

3a. i am going to eat breakfast at 7:15 .

b. i am going to eat breakfast at 7:00.

4a. li ming likes to eat noodles .

b. li ming likes playing ping-pong and badminton .

5.( a. what is your f**ourite season?

b. what is your f**ourite colour?


is __book. that one is __

hands are __you can __your hands in the bathroom.

the dishes are __and __

the __li ming!

your f**ourite __danny?



what sports does he playwhat time is it ?

what is he doingis this a tv or a computer?

二、按要求写单词。 (15分)

put on (反义词)__teeth (单数) party(复数。

lie (现在分词)__light(反义词)__wash(单三形式)__

buy(过去式)__lose(反义词)__fast(比较级)__sad(副词)__beach(复数) sun(形容词)__le**es(单数)__



1. bike, riding ,is ,a, exercise

t , for, you, good , they

3. will, what, you, do, summer, this

you, do, on , beach, the, like ,

5. does, that, cloud, like , look , what

四、从i栏找出与i i栏对应的答语。 (10分)

) far is it to the storea .five.

) you like to learn to play ping-pong? b . five yuan .

) your f**ourite taught li ming toplay basketball.

) many gifts do you needd .i like these.

) much is chickene .yes , i can .

) did you cold and snowy.

) you like these or those t-shirt ? g. i wear swimsuit.

) you swimh. it’s one kilometre.

) s the weather

) do you wear to swim? i would.


( )pair of runnersa.洗脸。

) good forb.篮球运动员。

) hello toc.在飞机场。

) hardd.从星期一到星期五

) monday to fridaye. 在体育用品店。

) your facef.去游泳。

) the airportg.向...问好。

) basketball playerh.对……有益(有好处)

) the sports storei.一双跑鞋。

) swimmingj.努力工作。


)1do you play basketball? -once a week.

many much often old

) will run __than the police officer?

)3.__kite looks like a bird,but __looks like a circle.

) don't h**e __soup?

)5.--whyit’s good for you.

) late for school

a./ ) 7:00 now. time __breakfast.

) weather is __

and warm and warm and warmer

)9. li ming is __soon.

) would you like __supper?

七、用所给的动词的适当形式填空: (5分)

1 . look ! my sisterplay ) with the toy cars .


杭垓小学教育集团六年级英语测试卷。磻溪校区邱慧。学校 班级 姓名 听力部分 40分 一 听音,判断。与录音内容相符的在括号内打 与录音内容不符的在括号内划 10分。6 how tall are you?7 i m 1.65 meters tall.8 i stayed at home and wat...


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