
发布 2024-02-11 03:25:13 阅读 9964



1.f__ tball(足球) 2. b__sk__tball(篮球) 3. d__ff__cult(困难的) _vy(重的) 5.

sp__ t(运动) 6. g__ m__(比赛)

7. p__li__eman(警察) 8. pl__y__r(运动员) 9. sc__r___得分)

10. thr__ 扔)


1. light反义词 过去式。

3. did原形4. easy反义词。



反义词10. throw反义词。


1.打篮球2. go shopping

3. every day4. 打乒乓球。

5.踢足球6. 把球打给他。


9. 太难了10. poor danny


buy any he**y do play w w w .x k b o m

1. do you h**ebananas?

2. the basketball is

3. i oftenfootball after class.

4. what did you

5. i cana t-shirt.


)1. i play basketballsunday.

a in b. on c. at

) 2. -would you likemilk?

no, thanks.

a. some b. any c. a

) 3you h**e any balls?

no, i don’t.

a. do b. does c. did

)4you watch tv yesterday?

yes, i did.

a. do b. does c. did

) 5. -did you go to beijing

no, i didn’t.

a. last holiday b. did c. are

) 6. yesterday theyto the shop.

a. went b. goes c. go

) 7. i’m readyplay sports!

a. for b. to c. with

) 8. do you h**eping-pong balls?

a. some b. any c. an

) 9. i don’t h**e a t-shirt

a. too b. to c. either

) 10. he playsa team.

a. of b. above c. on


1. did you play ping-pong yesterday?(作肯定回答)

2. i went to china last week.(变否定句)

ito china last week. 新课标第一网。

3. do what you did ? 连词成句)

4. i taught him english.(变成一般疑问句)

youhim english?

you h**e any apples?(作否定回答)

6. i like football best.(改为同义句)

football isf**ourite

7. i h**e some new ping-pong balls.(变为否定句)

ih**enew ping-pong balls.

9. i walked to the zoo last sunday.(改为一般疑问句)

youto the zoo last sunday?

is a t-shirt.(变为复数句)


hello, i’m peter. let me introduce my children’s day.

last sunday was children’s day. i went to the park with my friends. we had a picnic under a tree.

we ate lots of delicious food. we drank some juice , tom sang a song. kate danced.

meimei and dongdong played games. i took some pictures and made a poster(海报).

look, this is the poster. how happy we were!

) saturday was children’s day.

) and his friends went to the zoo.

) had a picnic under a tree.

) took some pictures.

) made a poster.

八、读短文,判断正(t) 误(f). 10分)

one day,li ming was playing with his friend went to the gym. it was a sunny day. 新课标第一网。

let’s play ping_pong!”said li ming.

okay!can you teach me to play ping_pong ?”said danny.

sure!let’s go .you hit the ping_pong ball with the paddle.” said li ming.

ouch,i hit my hand.” said danny.

)1 li ming and danny went to the park to play ping_pong.

)2 it was a windy day.

)3 danny wanted to learn.

)4 li ming hit the ping_pong danny hit his arm.

)5 danny is a good player.


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1. i always wear a t-shirtplay soccer.

2. let’s ask the clerksome help.

3. you hit the ping-pong ballthis paddle.

4. throw the basketballthe net.

5. i went to the zoolucy this morning.


中卫市镇罗中学六年级英语期末测试卷。2015 2016学年度第二学期。班级 姓名 得分 等级 一 请写出下列英语字母的左邻右舍的大小写。10分 二 选出不同类的单词。10分 1 a hamburger b cola c meat 2 a duck b dog c noisy 3 a cent b b...


一 判断下列各组单词中划线部分的读音,相同的打 不同的打 共5分 1.girl skirt 2.horse work house 4.a.blow now 5.nurse purse 二 根据所给 的提示,填入句中所缺单词 共12分 1.jack isat english.2.my faxis 86...


一 基本情况。六年级共有学生74人,实考学生74人。二 学生答题情况分析。参加考试的学生平均分35分,最高分87分,最低分8分,两人及格。三 命题。本次试题覆盖面广,难易适度,题型多样,形式活泼,贴近生活。客观地考查了学生半学期及以前所学的英语知识与能力。四 存在的主要问题及分析。本班学生对英语几乎...