新版六年级下册英语期中试卷 六年级

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过去式4. know(同音词。

5. well(比较级6.去骑自行车(翻译。


9. sleep(过去式原形。


arethan me.(he**y)

2. did youclean) the room last night?

igo) to the park with my uncle.

sister likesdance) and singing.

___be) a ruler and two pens in the box.


) 1you taller than mike?

a. isb. am c. are

) 2. wu lan __taller than amy.

a. am b. isc. are

) 3. i’m taller than

a. your b. you c. yours

) 4. i went to the park

a. tomorrow b. last weekend c. every day

) 5. the tiger is __than the cat.

a. biger b. large c. bigger

) feet are bigger than __

a. my b. me c. mine

) could___fast two years ago.

a. running b . run c. ran

) now i __active.

a. was; was b. am, am c. was; am

)9. _he __football last weekend?

a. did, played b. did, play c. did, plays

)10. i __off my bike last sunday and hurt my foot.

a. fell b. falled c. fall


1.( how he**y are youa. i'm 47kg.

2.( what did you do yesterdayb. it was good.

3.( what size are your shoesc. i'm 1.65metres.

4.( did you go hiking last sunday ? went to a forest park.

5.( how tall are did my homework.

6.( where did you go last saturday? f. yes, i did.

7.( how was your summer holiday? g. fall.

8.( which season do you like best? h. size 37

五、按要求完成下列句子。( 14分)

1. sarahis1.60metres.(对划线部分提问)


2. my mother cleaned my room yesterday .(改为否定句)

my mothermy room yesterday .

washed my clothes yesterday (变一般疑问句)

you __your clothes yesterday ?

yifan is taller than john.(改为一般疑问句)

___wu yifanthan john .

cleaned my room yesterday .(对划线部分提问)


there, no, old, school, my, in, library.

六、选一选,填一填 (12分)

1. _is taller than mike , you or wu yifan ?

2. _does your mother go to work ? by bus .

3. _did you go over the winter holiday ?

4. _did you do last weekend ?

5. _do you get up ? at 6:30

6. _are your shoes? 100yuan .


today was a funny day. zhang peng walked to mike’s home in the morning. he studied english with him.

they read new film magazines together.

then zhang peng went to a park by bike. he flew kites. it was a windy day.

suddenly his kite flew into the lake.

a dog saw the kite. he jumped into the lake and swam to it. five minutes later, he returned the kite to him.

zhang peng was very grateful (感激)to him.

)1. zhang peng went to mike’s home

a. on footb. by bike

)2. zhang pengwith mike.

a. learned chinese b. learned english

) peng went to a park and

a. flew kitesb. rode a bike

)4. what’s the weather like?

a. it’s windyb. it’s funny.

) dog jumped into the

a .seab. lake.

)6. zhang peng was very grateful to

a. mikeb. the dog

八、以my winter holiday 为题目,用下列提示词的过去式写一篇自己寒假期间的活动。(6分)

提示词:watch tv, wash my clothes, clean the room, go to…,

eat fresh food, take pictures, buy gifts.



者桑乡中心小学2018年春季六年级英语期中试卷。一 按要求写单词。10分 原级 比较级 原级。4.young 比较级 5.tall 比较级 6.h e 过去式 过去式 过去式 9.drink 过去式 动词原形。二,看图写过去时短语。10分 三 英汉互译 18分 过去时短语 1 拍照2 打扫房间。3 ...


pep小学六年级下册英语竞赛试题。姓名成绩 一 翻译下列短语 25分 1.洗我的衣服 2.打扫我的房间3 暑假。4.劳动节假期5.做别的事情。6.去划船7.少儿节目8.上个周末9 电影杂志10.感冒。11 前天12.去划船13 上周一14.整个周末15.感觉更好些。16 骑马17 直到八月份18 森...


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