
发布 2024-02-11 03:25:13 阅读 9342

unit 1

1、play basketball打篮球go to the store 去商店。

do you h**e any runners?你有运动鞋吗?

i like ping-pong best.我最喜欢乒乓球。

ping-pong is my f**ourite sport.乒乓球是我最喜欢的运动。

would you like to learn to play ping-pong?你愿意学打乒乓球吗?

2、a pair of runners一双运动鞋 ask for 请求,要求 how much 多少钱。

do you like these runners or those runners?你喜欢这双运动鞋还是那双运动鞋?

i need a t-shirt and a pair of runners.我需要一件t恤衫和一双运动鞋。

let’s ask him for some help.我们请他帮忙吧。

3、be ready to准备做某事 catch the basketball接球 throw the basketball 传球

too hard 太难。

are you ready to learn basketball?你准备好学打篮球了吗?

the basketball is he**y.篮球很重。

the ping-pong ball is light.乒乓球很轻。

4、h**e fun玩得开心 each other互相 teach sb. to do sth.教某人做某事

what did you do today?你们今天做什么了?

this morning, jenny and li ming bought somethings at the store.今天上午,珍妮和李明在商店买了一些东西。

this afternoon, they taught each other a sport.今天下午,他们都教了对方一种运动。

danny thought he could hit the ball, but he hurt his hand.丹尼认为他能打球,但是他弄伤了他的手。

he played basketball with a ping-pong ball.他把乒乓球当篮球打。

5、police officer警察 for fun作为娱乐 up and down上上下下 on saturdays在星期六 arrive at the gym到达体育馆。

there’s the other team.那是另一个球队。

go, blue team.蓝队加油!

what’s the score?比分是多少。

it’s seventy-eight to seventy-eight.七十八分比七十八分。

6、play a game打比赛 yell for为…大声呼喊。

what did you do this evening?你今天晚上干什么了?

did you h**e fun watching the game?你们**比赛高兴吗?

what snacks did you buy?你们买了什么零食?

who won?谁赢了?

bob’s team won.鲍勃的球队赢了。

the orange team lost!橙色队输了。

we yelled for bob’s team!我们为鲍勃的队助威!

unit 2

9、want to be想成为 be good for对…有益 how often 多久

last week上周 eat breakfast吃早餐。

strong and healthy强壮而健康的 weak and sick 虚弱的和生病的。

what do you usually eat for breakfast last week?你通常早餐吃什么?

how often did danny and kim eat breakfast last week?上周丹尼和金多久吃一次早餐?

danny ate breakfast once.丹尼吃了一次早餐。

kim ate breakfast six times last week.上周金吃了六次早餐。

10、before breakfast早餐前 after breakfast早餐后 wash hands 洗手 brush teeth刷牙 from…to… 从…到… wake up醒来 comb hair 梳头发 put on穿上。

jenny goes to school five times a week.珍妮一周上五次学。

how often do you play basketball?你多久打一次篮球?

three times a week.一周三次。

what do you do before supper?你在晚饭前做什么?

i do my homework.我做家庭作业。

11、take showers淋浴 take baths 洗澡。

for strong bones, you need to eat foods that are good for you.为了强壮的骨骼,你应该吃对身体有益的食物。

for strong muscles, you need exercises.为了强壮的肌肉,你需要运动。

here’s some good food.这是一些好的食物。

good food makes your body healthy.好的食物使你身体健康。

12、watch out小心 twice a day一天两次 once a year一年一次 one of其中之一 twice a month一个月两次 more than比… 更 make a chart 制作**。

what colour is cabbage? it’s green.白菜是什么严策的?它是绿色的。

how often do you eat cabbage? 你多久吃一次白菜?

i eat cabbage once a year.我一年吃一次白菜。

how often do you play sports?你多久做一次运动?

13、ride a bike骑自行车 h**e to不得不,必须 play sports做运动 turn around转圈three times a week一周三次 twice a day 一天两次。

walking to school is exercise. 步行上学是锻炼。

running is exercise. 跑步时锻炼。

playing ping-pong is exercise. 打乒乓球室锻炼。

riding a bike is exercise. 骑自行车时锻炼。

sixty minutes make an hour! 六十分钟为一个小时。

how much exercise do you need? 你需要多少锻炼?

how many minutes do you walk? about five minutes. 你步行多少分钟?大约五分钟。

14、listen to听 make lunch 做午饭 read books 读书 clean the house 打扫房子 dry the dishes 擦盘子 reach high!向上举! bend low!


how many minutes do you wash clothes?你用多少分钟洗衣服?

about twenty minutes.大约20分钟。

i clean my bedroom on saturdays for about thirty minutes.我在星期六打扫卧室大约用三十分钟。

unit 3

17、fly a kite放风筝 lie on the grass躺在草地上 look at the clouds看云

i like to swim.我喜欢游泳。 i like to skip.我喜欢跳绳。

do you like spring flowers? 你喜欢春天的花吗?

sometimes i play sports with my friends.有时我和我的朋友做运动。

i like to watch the birds fly in the sky.我喜欢看鸟在天上飞。

what happens to the trees in different seasons? 在不同的季节,那些树木有什么变化呢?

18、go swimming去游泳 jump in 跳进 take off 脱下 hurry up 快点儿 come in 进来。

what is jenny doing? she is swimming.珍妮在做什么?她正在游泳。

what else can swim? 其他什么会游泳。

what do you wear to swim? 你穿什么去游泳?

i need to take off my sandals.我需要脱下我的凉鞋。

19、look like看起来像 run into撞到 faster and faster 越来越快。

your kite looks like a bird.你的风筝看起来像一只鸟。

i can make it fly.我能让它飞起来。

i don’t think it’s going to fly.我不相信它飞得起来。

it looks like an airplane.它看起来像一架飞机。

i like watching clouds better than flying kites! 比起放风筝我更喜欢看云。


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