
发布 2020-03-28 15:20:28 阅读 6006

贝斯特六年级下册(2012 pep)知识重点。

u1 how tall are you? 你有多高?

单词:let’s talk a:

zhang peng: look! that’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 看!那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。

mike: yes, it is. how tall is it? 是的,它是。它有多高?

zhang peng: maybe 4 metres. 大概4米。

mike: wow! it’s taller than both of us together. 哇!它比我俩加起来都高。

zhang peng: look! there are more dinosaurs over there! 看!那边有更多的恐龙!

mike: they’re all so big and tall. 它们都是又高又大。

zhang peng: hey, this dinosaur isn’t tall! i’m taller than this one. 嘿,这个恐龙不高!我比这个高呢。

mike: oh, yes. how tall are you? 哦,是的。你有多高?

zhang peng: i’m 1.65 metres. 我身高1.65米。

let’s talk b:

mike: those shoes in the window are nice! let’s h**e a look. 橱窗里的那些鞋子真好看!我们去看看吧。

wu yifan: what size are your shoes, mike? 迈克,你穿多大号的鞋?

mike: size 7. 7码的。

wu yifan: size 7? that’s so small. 7码的?这么小。

mike: in china i wear size 38 shoes. 在中国我穿38号的鞋。

wu yifan: oh! your feet are bigger than mine. my shoes are size 37.


mike: really? you look taller than me. 真的?你看上去比我高。

wu yifan: but i think you are he**ier. how he**y are you? 但是我认为你比我重。你体重多少?

mike: i’m 48 kilograms. 我体重48公斤。

wu yifan: yes, you’re he**ier. i’m 46 kilograms. 是的,你比我重。我体重46公斤。

u2 last weekend 上周。

单词:let’s talk a:

mike: hi, grandpa. how are you? how was your weekend? 嗨,爷爷,你好吗?你周末过得怎样?

grandpa:i’m fine, mike. it was good, thank you. 我很好,麦克。很好,谢谢。

mike: what did you do? 你(周末)干什么了?

grandpa:well, i stayed at home with your grandma. we drank tea in the afternoon and watched tv.


mike: i watched tv, too. i watched some children’s shows on tv.


grandpa:that’s nice. did you do anything else? 很不错。你还做了其他什么事吗?

mike: yes, i cleaned my room and washed my clothes. 是的,我扫了房间,还洗了衣服。

grandpa:you are a good boy! 你真是一个好男孩!

**便宜些□ 服务热情周到□ 店面装饰有个性□ 商品新颖多样□let’s talk b:

john: hey, amy. let’s go to the bookstore. i want to buy the new film magazine.



oh, i read it last weekend. 哦!我上周读了它。

8、你是如何得志diy手工艺制品的?john: was it interesting? 它有趣吗?

amy: yes, it talked about a lot of new films. what did you do last weekend?

did you see a film?


标题:大学生究竟难在哪?—创业要迈五道坎 2023年3月23日john:

no, i had a cold. i stayed at home all weekend and slept.


附件(二):amy: oh, i’m sorry. i’m happy you feel better now. 哦!很抱歉。我很高兴你现在感觉好点了。

john: thanks. let’s go by bus. it’s faster than walking. 谢谢。让我们去乘公共汽车。它比步行快。


u3 where did you go? 你去哪儿了?

单词:let’s talk a:

amy: what happened? 怎么了?

john: i fell off my bike last saturday and hurt my foot. 上周六我从自行车上摔下来脚受伤了。

amy: that’s too bad! are you all right? 那太糟糕了!你还好吧?

john: i’m ok now. come and look at my photos from the labour day holiday.


amy: where did you go? 你去哪儿了?

john: mt. tianshan, xinjiang.

i rode a horse. look, it’s very small. 新疆的天山。


amy: oh, yes. it looks like a mule!

did you go to turpan? 哦!是的,它看起来像头骡子!


john: yes. we did.

we saw lots of grapes there, but we couldn’t eat them. they won’t be ready till august.


let’s talk b:

sarah: where did you go over the winter holiday? 在寒假期间你去哪儿了?

amy: my family and i went to sanya. 我家人和我去三亚了。

wu yifan: really? did you like it? 真的吗?你喜欢它吗?

amy: yes, it was so warm. 是的,它是如此暖和。

sarah: hainan is far from here. how did you go there? 海南离这儿很远。你们怎么去的?

amy: we went there by plane. 我们坐飞机去的。


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