
发布 2024-02-13 09:15:11 阅读 6917


) 1. girl skirt

) 2. horse work

) house

) 4. a. blow now

) 5. nurse purse

二、根据所给**的提示,填入句中所缺单词 ( 共12分)

1. jack isat english.

2. my faxis 86-025-**

3 it’s very hot inin hangzhou.

4. no. 8is near our school.

5is coming. my mother will come back from australia.

三、英汉互译(共20分 )

1.去散步2. do more exercise

3 .征求笔友 *****

5.下周6. make snowmen

7.问路8. get on

9.上课10. go on an outing

四、选择。(共15分 )

) 1. miss gaochinese next year.

a. is going to teach us b. teaches our c. teaches us

) 2. we usually stayhomesaturday afternoon.

a. at; inb. at; onc. in; at

) 3. my parents often tell mechina.

a. aboutb. fromc. for

) 4. i don’t h**e a brothersister.

a. andb. orc. the

) 5. we like this zebra, because this zebra isthan that one.

a. bigb. biggerc. biger

) 6. who’s fatter than

a. yourb. hisc. him

)7. mr greena play last sunday.

a. seeb. seesc. saw

) 8. mike is very fat. he isthan liu tao.

a. olderb. he**ierc. younger

) 9. jimto do more exercise at the weekends.

a. wantsb. wantc. is wanting

)10. a: what are the students doing?

b: theyan english lesson.

a. hadb. hasc. are h**ing

)11. a: who would like to read the new works?

b: let helen read them. she readsthan all of us.

a. betterb. goodc. well

)12is the post office from our school?

a. how long b. how many c. how far

)13. we’re going to play table tennis. will you __us?

a. joinb. take part in c. come

)14do you want to

a. whose; write b. who; write to c. who; write

)15. yesterday yang lingan american boy in the street.

a. meet b. meets c. met

五、用所给词的恰当形式填空。(共10分 )

1. nancy is going toplay ) the piano at the concert.

2. sorry i am late because the bus waslate ) than yesterday.

3. did heeat ) many ice-creams last sunday?

4. listen! nancy issing ) an english song now.

5. zhang xia is asas(he**y ) helen.


a: excuse me, can youme the to the shopping centre?

b: surealong thisand then turnat the

crossing. the shopping centre is on your

ais it from here?

b: about two kilometers

a: thanks a lot.

b: you’re welcome.

七、根据中文翻译句子,每空一词。(共10分 )

1. 上周我和奶奶一块儿去看了一场演出。

last week iawith my grandma.

2. 一共将要有三十个选手参加篮球比赛。

thirty player willthe basketball match.

3. 你这个周末准备干什么?

whatyouto do this weekend?

4. 李明比李东小两岁吗?

is li ming two yearsthan li dong?

5. 那里的春天天气怎样?

what’s thelike inthere?

八、将下列句子重新排列,组合成对话,将序号填在所给的横线上 ( 共8分)

1. a. does jim jump as high as mike?

b. really? but jim is taller than mike.

c. no, mike jumps higher than jim.

d. yes, mike jumps higher than all his classmates.

2. a. yes, i’d love to.

b. i’m going to play cards with my friends.


六年级英语综合试卷 二 请同学们仔细审题,认真答题。相信你一定会很棒!一 我会根据所给中文完成下列句子。10 1.what are the孩子们 doing?2.d id likes踢足球 3.can wang bing jump一样远 his classmates?4.you ll get更强壮 ...


一 按要求写字母 5 顺序写出下列字母的大小写。kk qq写出五个元音字母的大小写。二 在下列选项中选出发音不同的那一项10 1.a.waiter b.day c.play d.star 2.a.doctor b.monkey c.hot d.coffee 3.a.pear b.bear c.hai...


2015 2016学年下学期期末六年级数学模拟检测试卷。时间 100分钟总分 100分 一 填空。20分 1 一个数是由99个万 99个1和99个0.01组成的,这个数写作读作把这个数精确到十分位约是。2 按规律填数。1,3,2,6,412,16,3 吨是30吨的,50米比40米多 5 学校的田径场...