
发布 2024-02-12 04:40:11 阅读 7337


姓名班级。、listening part 听力部分 30%

一、listen and choose. 听单词或短语选择正确选项。(10分)

( )15c. 50

3. a 9:13b. 9:30c. 19:30

4. a.160cmb.164cmc.156cm

( )6. hiking

( )7. a. bc .

)8、 abc、

)9、 ab、 c、

) 10、 abc、

二、listen and judge. 听句子判断对错,对的打“√”错的打“×”5分)

三。、listen and choose. 听小对话选择正确选项。(5分)

)1. a. you can go by bus . b . you go by bus . c .i can go on foot .

( )2. a. he teach math . teaches math . c. he is teaching math .

( )3 . a. i’m going to plant treesb. i’m ****** a kite.

c. i play football.

)4. bookstore is next to the park .

b. the bookstore is near the desk .

c. the bookstore is behind the window .

)5. a. i’m going to read a magazine . b. i’m going tonight .

c . i’m going to the library .

四、 listen and choose 听小短文选择正确选项 。(10分)

( )1. where is mike from? a. america. b. shanghai c. canada

( )2. what does mike like?

a. listening to music b. playing footballc. a and b

( )3. mike’s mother goes to work

a. by subwayb. by busc. by car

( )4 how did mike’s family go to shanghai y?

a. by trainb. by busc. by plane

)5what did they do in shanghai y?

took some ate good food

c. they visited some old friends.

、writing part 笔试部分 70%


___bb cc __ee __gg hh __jj __ll___nn oo___qq

rr ss___uu __ww xx __zz


( )1. shoe shirt2. trousers house

( )3. go good4. apple blackboard

( )5. up duck



)1、__do you usually go to school? -by bike.

a、how b、 whatc、where

( )2、i’m 3cm __than you,and he**ier.

a、older b、he**ier c、taller

)3、did you __good food yesterday?


)4、__is your birthday? -my birthday is in may.

a、howb、what time c、when

)5、when is the children’s day? -it’s on___

a、apr.8th b、june 1st c、oct.1st

( )6、which sign means “no parking ”.

abc、 )7、wang ling is a __she works in a hospital.


)8、__do you like winter? -because i can make a snowman.

a、 whenb、howc、why

)9、--what’s he likehe is

a、tall and strongb、30 years oldc、our chinese teacher

)10、i h**e a new bag , zhang peng __a new bag , too .



wu yifan: 1 wang mei.

wang mei: hello! wu yifan.

wu yifan: look! it’s a fine day, isn’t it?

wang mei: 2

wu yifan: 3

wang mei: i’m going shopping.

wu yifan: what do you want to buy?

wang mei: 4

wu yifan: oh, i really forgot. he’s going to le**e next month. can i go with you?

wang mei: 5


) 1. how he**y is hea. no, there weren’t.

) 2. did you row a boatb. it’s 4 hours by plane.


一 把下面的句子抄写在横线上 本题结合卷面书写情况评分 3分 每一食,便念稼樯之艰难 每一衣,则思纺织之辛苦。二 看拼音写词语。5分 c ngm ng ta shn li hu ch i r uru n 三 选择带点的字的意思,把序号写在括号里。5分 1 乘风破浪 破 1.碎,不完整 2.3.冲开 ...


作者 佚名文章 不详点击数 六年级毕业考语文模拟试卷。更新时间 2005 8 3 一 把下面的句子抄写在横线上 本题结合卷面书写情况评分 3分每一食,便念稼樯之艰难 每一衣,则思纺织之辛苦。二 看拼音写词语。5分。c ngm ng ta shn li hu ch i r uru n 三 选择带点的字...


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