六年级毕业英语模拟试卷 二

发布 2024-02-13 09:15:11 阅读 4211


听力部分 (40分)

i. 听音选词。在每题中选择与录音相同的选项,并将其代号填入题前括号内(10分)

)1. a. shirt b. skirt

)2. a. tree b. three7. a. tea b. sea

)3 a. angry b. hungry8. a. photo b. potato

)4. a. skip b. ship9. a. shoe b. sock

)5. a. hot b. hat10. a. coat b. cold

ii. 听音标号。根据所听到的内容在相应的**并在下括号内标上序号。(10分)


)1. katie always gets up early .

)2. i don’t feel well today.

)3. anne wanted to dance.

)4. i like singing more than dancing.

)5. the spring festival is coming.


)1. a. you’re welcome b. welcome to my school.

)2. a. ok ! b. i’m very well.

)3. a. he is walking b. he reads a book.

)4. a. on saturday morning. b. in the park.

)5. a. yes, i dob. no, thank you .

笔试部分 (60分)


1. 地点类3. 职业类。

2. 食物类4. 服装类5. 天气类。


. 选择填空。从所给三个选项中选出答案,并将代号填入题前括号内。(10分)

)1. i enjoy apples .

a. eat b. eating c. to eat

)2. the players are playing football.

ab. the c. a

)3. are they doing in the classroom?

a. c. where

)4. september 10th is

a. mid- aurumn day. b. children’s dayc. teachers’ day.

) come and some water .

a. to drinkb. drinkc. drinking

) meet 9:00 am.

a. atb. inc. on

) the man over there ?

a. is , dob. are , doing c. is , doing

) children are tv now.

) students are going to trees on the hill .

a. playing plant

)10. lily isin our class .

a. tallerb. the tallest c. the taller


)1. 当你想知道对方姓名,应问:

a. my name is mingming. b. what’s you name ?

c. hello .

)2. 当你想知道对方的年龄,应怎样问:

a. how old are you ? b. how are you ?

c. how do you do ?

)3. 当你想这些物品是谁的时,问:

a. whose are theseb. whose are those ?

c. who are they ?

)4. 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:

a. do you like swimmingb. do you like running?

c. do you like pingpong?

)5. 当你想要一杯茶时,应说:

a. i’d like a cup of teab. would you like a glass of tea ?

c. may i h**e a bottle of tea?

ix. 用方框内提供的句子补全对话,将其代号填在题前括号内。( 10分)。

a. yes, i did . b. what’s wrong with you?

c. it’s 10:00 d. what does she look like?

e. i learnt writing

)1. a: what’s the timeb

)2. ab: i h**e a bad headache .

)3. a: did you go to see a doctor ? b

)4. a: what did you do yesterday? b

)5. ab: she has a round face .

x. 阅读并判断正误。根据短文内容,在与短文内容相符的句子前括号内填(t)不相符的填(f). 10分)

once there were three big birds in a forest . they were bob, baker ard ben. baker was bigger than bob ,but smaller than ben.

bob’s singing was loud, but baker’s singing was louder.


六年级英语综合试卷 二 请同学们仔细审题,认真答题。相信你一定会很棒!一 我会根据所给中文完成下列句子。10 1.what are the孩子们 doing?2.d id likes踢足球 3.can wang bing jump一样远 his classmates?4.you ll get更强壮 ...


一 按要求写字母 5 顺序写出下列字母的大小写。kk qq写出五个元音字母的大小写。二 在下列选项中选出发音不同的那一项10 1.a.waiter b.day c.play d.star 2.a.doctor b.monkey c.hot d.coffee 3.a.pear b.bear c.hai...

六年级毕业模拟试卷 二

小学数学六年级毕业综合模拟试卷 二 一 口算部分。6分 二 计算。22分 1 能简算的要简算。18分 2.解方程。4分 1 80 x0.4 0.25 三 填空题。23分 个亿 5千个万,7个十万和3个一千组成的数是它是 位数,省略亿后面的尾数是。2 一个两位数,如果个位上和十位上的数都是合数,且它们...