
发布 2024-02-13 09:10:11 阅读 9627




一、 词汇题(1-4题根据首字母或中文提示完成句子,每题1分;5-6题将划线部分译成中文,每题1分)

1. an elephant is hthan a monkey.

2. i am going to take p in the singing contest.

3. we don’t上课) today.

4. su hai去散步) in the park last sunday.

5. the weather in summer is和…一样热) in nanjing.

6. english is my f**ourite subject

7. you both h**e the same hobbies

8. they are talking about their plans for the weekend

二、 选择正确答案(1分*12=12分)

)1 my pen __there just now, but it __not there now.

a is ,isb was ,isc is ,was

)2yang ling see a film last sunday? -no, she .

a. do, don’tb. does, doesn’tc. did, didn’t

)3. go along this street, and then turn left __second crossing.

a atb inc at the

)4. 你知道下面哪个单词的划线部分发音与其余两个不同吗?

a. cowb. brownc. know

( )5. helen studies __than nancy.

a. wellb. beautifullyc. better.

)6. 选出与three划线部分发音相同的单词。

a. theirb. thosec. thank

)7. what are you __tomorrow?

a doing b going to doc. to do

)8. it’s time __lunch.

a. forb. toc. h**e

)9. -hello! is that liu tao? -yesliu tao speaking.

amb. that isc. this is

( )10. we are watchingfootball match.

a. an excitedb. an excitingc. an excite

)11. this mirror is as __as that one.

a bigb fatc high

( )12. there’s a new elephantthe zoo. it’samerica.

a. in ; atb. on; forc. in ; from


1. and, i’m, shorter, than, thinner, you (.

2. am, basketball, going, play, i, this, to, afternoon (.

3. had, i , a, big, my, lunch, with, last, family, sunday(.)

4. did , do , weekend , what , you , last (?

5. weather, like, today, what, is the (?


is going to play the piano

warmin spring in new york.

has no brothers or sisters, so he ’sin his family.

sign means we shouldthe building.

5and you’ll get stronger.


1. athe weather like here in summer?

b: it’s veryand often

ado you usually do?

b: i usually go

2. a:can i h**e


a.i want toa letter

bhere you are.


iii1. (who do you want to write to?

2. (what is the date today?

3. (when’s your birthday?

4. (what shape is the kite?

5. (what day is it today?

6. (what’s the weather like today?

7. (where’s the bus stop?

8. (what did you do last week?

9. (what do you like?

10. (what are you going to do next weekend?

a. mary,my penfriend.

b.i like swimming and skating.

c.it’s snowy.

d.in front of the cinema

e.we are going to h**e a party.

f.it’s wednesday.

g.it's on the second of may.

h.it's the l7th of april.

1.i made a lot of food at home

j.it’s a square.


dear peter:

thank you for your letter and some beautiful stamps. i like them very much. i also collect stamps.

i’m sending(寄) some monkey king stamps to you. i think you’ll like them.


2016 2017学年度小学毕业年级学业水平检测。英语模拟试卷。总分 100分时间 60分钟姓名。part a 听力部分 20分 一 听录音,选出录音内容中提到的单词或短语。每小题1分,共5分 二 根据听到的内容给下列句子排序。每小题1分,共5分 if you are sick see the do...


考试时间90分钟满分100分 卷首语 同学们,通过小学阶段的学习,你一定有沉甸甸的收获。下面的题目会让你对自己的学习有一个全面的评价。仔细审题,认真答题,你会有出色的表现。相信自己的实力,努力吧,祝你成功!得分。一 写出下列所给字母的大小写形式 每个字母大小写格式正确得1分,共10分 例如 c 1 ...


沈闸中心小学2012 2013学年度六年级英语毕业测试卷。学校班级姓名。听力部分 40分 i.听力。40分 a.听句子选择。请根据录音内容,选择正确的单词完成句子。10分 每小题读两遍 1.it sdollars pleasea.fifteenb.forteen 2.we re going to w...