
发布 2024-02-13 09:05:10 阅读 8886


listening practice 30% (听力部分30分)


1、a.letterb. littlec. later

2、 a. meetb. missc. meal

3、 a. drinkb. thinkc. drank

4、 a. manb. menc. woman

5、 a. flewb. grewc. drew

6、 a. spaceb. spentc. study

7、 a. whatb. wantc. where

8、 a. manyb. anyc. more

9、 a. worldb. worryc. wrong

10、a. doorb. dogc. doll



) 1、 a. daming is h**ing a birthday party. b. daming is playing the suona.

)2a. we can jumpb. we can run.

)3a. the sun is shining. b. the birds are singing in the trees.

)4a. how much is itb. how are you ?

)5a. why are you laughingb. why are you wearing a hat?


)1、a. it’s only half past elevenb. it’s seven million people.

)2、a. in the parkb. i want a hot dog,please.

)3、a. i’m tiredb. i’m sad.

)4、a. i’m going to study history, science. b. i’m going to park middle school.

)5、a. yes, i dob. yes, i can.

reading practice 70%(笔试部分70分)



ball _ ns cl _ dc pd_ _kc_w


a. flew b. went c. spent d. made e. had

h**e( )make( )fly( )spend( )go( )


)1、 teacherc. driver

) 2、 guitarc. hot dog

) 3、 pencilc. watermelon

) 4、 duckc. windy

) 5、 friendc. bus


) 1、the monkey is climbing a treeab

) 2、she’s listening to music

cd. ) 3、we like drinking milk

) 4、he is playing the suonae.

) 5、she can swim very well


)1、how much is the hot dog?

a. two meters b. three dollarsc. five million people.

)2、it is going to __in harbin.

a. snowyb. rainc. hot

)3、daming is __the suona, but the phone rings.

a. playsb. playingc. played

)4、he can __basketball very well.

a. playb.

)5、tell me more __new york.

a. inb. aboutc. on


) 1、h**e you got a pena. two hamburgers, please.

) 2、what do you wantb .yes, i h**e.

) 3、when are we going to eatc. she was born in 1880.

) 4、when was he bornd. sorry, i can’t.

) 5、who can help mee. at half past twelve.


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