
发布 2024-02-13 09:05:10 阅读 4047







一、listen and choose


第二部分:你将听到一个句子,选择你所听到的选项,并把相应的字母编号填在括号里。每小题读两遍。 (每小题0.5分,共5分)

二、listen and circle


)1. what does the boy like2. what is the girl doing now?

abab ) 3. what can you see at the zoo4. what would the boy like to eat?

aba. b.

) 5. what does the man often do6. what is the weather

on the weekendlike?

aba. b.

) 7. what time is it now8. what’s in the study?

abab. ) 9. what is the girl going to do sun10. what is the matter

morningwith the boy?

abab.三、listen and choose



) 1. a. he is tallb. he is a doctor.

) 2. a. i flew thereb. i go there by train.

) 3. a. yes, he didb. yes, they did.

) 4. a. he is boredb. she is excited.

) 5. a. mike is he**ier than john. b. john is he**ier than mike.

) 6. a. it’s rainy and hotb. it’s cold and snowy.

) 7. a. he has a toothache. b.. she has a fever and a headache.

) 8. often go shoppingb. i went to shanghai.

) 9. a. we are doing an experiment. b. i often go shopping.

) 10. a. because i can eat ice-creams. b. because he can swim in the sea.

四、listen and fill


1. zipthe matter with you, zoom?

zoom: i am sick. i h**e a sore

2. uncle: what did you do on your holiday?

john: i

3. lily: did you climb mountains last weekend?

d**id: no, imy

4. peter: look at the white dog. it’sthan the yellow dog.

tim: yes. but the yellow dog isthan the white one.

5. may: are the pandas

tom: no, they arethe bamboo. they are so cute.

6. woman: what’s on your grandpa’s farm?

jenny: there are manyandon it.

7. mom: hurry up. it’s time to go to

sister: it’stoday, mom. i needn’t go to school.

8. man: i likebest. what about you?

shellyis my f**ourite season.

五、listen and choose




) 1. ivy is from america.

) 2. kate and ivy are sisters.

) 3. ivy likes summer best.

) 4. kate is short and thin.

) 5. ivy and kate are going to swim next weekend.

you are great!很棒哦!让我们继续挑战笔试部分吧!要认真审题哦!


六、read and choose


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