
发布 2024-02-13 09:15:11 阅读 9814





例如:c 1) a (2) f (3) g (4) j (5) q

6) d (7) i (8) r (9) y (10) n


) 1. a. pigb . toy c. tiger d. cat

) 2 .a. big ben b. china c. england d. america

) 3. a. basketball b. piano c. football d. volleyball

) 4. a .monday b. today c. saturday d. sunday

) 5 .a. winter b. cold c. summer d. spring


( )1. 打篮球 a play basketball b play the piano c play game

)2. 在星期四 a on foot b on thursday c on weekend

)3. 去购物 a go shopping b go to park c do housework

)4. 左转 a turn on b turn left c turn back

)5. 玩的高兴 a h**e lunch b play games c h**e a good time


)1. i h**e got english book.

a. ab. anc. the

)2. –where is the dog? -it’s the chair.

a. onb. forc. take

)3. -what does she like? she apples.

a. likeb. don’t like c. likes

)4. the girl isthan me.

a. short b. longc. taller

)5. whatcan you see? -i can see an elephant.

a. colour b. animalc. fruit

) 6. _spring, daming often flies kites in the park.

a. onb. toc. in

)7. washington d. c. is the capital of

a. americab. englandc. china

)8they are my grandparents.

a. who is he? b. what is this? c. who are they?

)9. there is a __on the desk.

a. milk b. penc. books

) 10. did you help your mother yesterday

a. yes ,i did. b. no , i’m not. c. yes, i do .

五、情景交际 (把正确选项的序号填在内)(10分)

)1. 当你想知道别人姓名时,你会问。

old are you? b. how are you?

's your name? d. what’s this?

)2. 当你想打扰别人时,应先说。

a. excuse me. b. i'm sorry.

c. hellod. what’s your name?

)3. 假如你是售货员,该如何向顾客打招呼 ?

do you want to eat ? b. what do you do?

c. what can i do for you? d. sit down, please.

)4. 当你想知道今天的天气怎么样时,你会问。

a. what'sitb. what’s the weather like today ?

c. what a fine day today ? d. what colour is it ?

)5. 你妈妈给你买了一支新钢笔,你想知道是什么颜色,你应该说:

a. what'sthisinenglish ?b. isthisa pen ?

c. what colour is itd. how much is it ?

六、 选择相对应的答句,将序号填写在括号内(10分)

) 1. thank youa. it’s a pen.

) 2. how do you go to school? b. nice to meet you, too

) 3. good afternoonc. i go to school by bus.

) 4. what’s thisd. yes ,i want to buy a pencil

) 5. what’s the weather like today? e. no, i didn’t.

) 6. nice to meet youf. good afternoon!

) 7. do you h**e a bookg. i did my homework.

) 8. did you watch tvh. you’re welcome.

) did you do yesterday ? i. yes, i do

)10. can i help youj. it’s sunny.


1. it is 10 yuan. (就划线部分提问)

is it ?

2. this is a pen on the desk. (改为复数形式)

theresomeon the desks.

3. it is far from our school. (改为否定句形式)

itfar from our school.

4. it’s monday today. (对划线部分提问)

day is it today ?


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