六年级毕业英语模拟试卷 一

发布 2024-02-13 09:15:11 阅读 3201


听力部分 (40分)

i. 听音选词。在每题中选择与录音相同的选项,并将其代号填入题前括号内(10分)

)1. a. bread b. bed6. a. along b. around

)2. a. horse b. house7. a. cake b. cat

)3 a. make b. mark8. a. head b. hand

)4. a. kind b. kite9. a. meet b. milk

)5. a. some b. sun10. a. wait b. waste

ii. 听音标号。根据所听到的内容在相应的**并在下括号内标上序号。(每小题2分,共10分)

iii. 听音选句,根据录音内容选择相应的句子,并将其代号填写在题前括号内。(10分)

)1. a. what are we going to do? b. where are we going to go?

)2. a. when your birthday? b. what’s your name?

)3. a. excuse me. b. i’m sorry.

)4. a. what can i do? b. what do you do?

)5. a. i’m not afraid b. i’m afraid of it.


)1、a. it’s a dog b、it’s yellow

)2、 wednesday. b. it’s raing

)3、a. it’s my dress b. it’s a dress

)4、a. it’s on the desk. b. it’s seven o’clock.

)5、a. it’s 50 yuan. b. yes, i h**e.

笔试部分 (60分)


1. 运动类3. 数字类。

2. 季节类4. 文具类5. 亲属类。


go straight in hospital birthday cake

make the bed h**e a cough


)1. is this coat? it’s sixty yuan .

a. how many b. what c. how much

)2. they to go to the zoo last saturday.

a. want. b. wanted c. wants

) shoes aremy shoes are here.

a. meb. hisc. she

)4. anne likes an english book.

a. readingb. readc. reads

) going tosome research.

a. doesb. doc. did

)6. let’sto the park.

a. goingb. goc. goes

) you yesterday? i at home.

a. was, wereb. were,were c. were, was

) a card for you, happy birthday!

a. areb. isc. am

) the fourth of june.

a. listeningb. listen toc. listening to

)10. that girl is new in our class. do you knowname?

a. herb. shec. his


)1. 当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:

a. how much is the car?

b. how many cars can you see?

d. i can see five cars .

)2. 当你提醒别人不要在图书馆里吃东西的时候,你会说。

a. don’t write on the book.

b. don’t eat in the library.

)3. 当你想问对方怎么做风筝的时候,你会说:

a. do you know how to make a kite?

b. do you know how to make a dress?

)4. 当你想问大家今天我们将要做什么的时候你会问:

a. what are we going to do today?

b. where are we going today?

)5. 当你想要告诉别人你的生日在六月一日时,你会说。

a. my birthday is on the first of may.

b. my birthday is on the first of june.

vii. 朗读句子,选择合适的中文,将其代号填在题前括号内。(每小题2分,共10分)。

)1. when’s your birthdaya.不要在这里讲话。

)2. don’t talk hereb.你的生日是什么时候?

)3. dongdong is going to eat a cake. c.看我的漂亮风筝!

)4. look at my beautiful kite! d.我们准备写一个报告。

) going to write a report. e.东东准备吃一块蛋糕。


)1. when’s your birthdaya. it’s blue.

)2. what are you going to do? b. it’s on the fourth of may.

)3. what colour is this shirt? c. i’m going to do my homework.

)4. where are you goingd. they live in shanghai.

) do they livee. i’m going to the park.

ix. 阅读短文,判断对(t)错(f) (每小题2分,共10分)

my name is fang fang. i h**e a new friend. her name is jane.

she comes from australia. jane is twelve years old. her birthday is on the second of july.

she likes playing the piano but i like playing the violin. she often goes to school by bus. her mother is a nurse.

she goes to work on foot. her father is a pe teacher. he goes to work by car.

i often play with her on sunday. we always play in the park.


六年级英语综合试卷 二 请同学们仔细审题,认真答题。相信你一定会很棒!一 我会根据所给中文完成下列句子。10 1.what are the孩子们 doing?2.d id likes踢足球 3.can wang bing jump一样远 his classmates?4.you ll get更强壮 ...


一 按要求写字母 5 顺序写出下列字母的大小写。kk qq写出五个元音字母的大小写。二 在下列选项中选出发音不同的那一项10 1.a.waiter b.day c.play d.star 2.a.doctor b.monkey c.hot d.coffee 3.a.pear b.bear c.hai...

六年级毕业模拟试卷 一

一 填空题 20分 1 一个数的百万位上是5,千位是6,十位是8,其余各位是0,这个数读作把它改写成以 万 作单位的近似数是。2 时 分 18克千克。3.05平方米 平方米 平方分米。3 在括号里填上合适的单位名称。数学书的厚度约是13 5个苹果大约重1000 一瓶可乐大约有1.5 一个运动场大约有...