六年级下册英语模拟试卷 一

发布 2020-08-01 22:51:28 阅读 9719




)1、a. good b. better2、a. notice b. dropped

)3、a. watch a film b. look like4、a. want b. went

)5、a. fall over b. skating rink6、a. poet b. biggest



1、this is a dictionary.

2、these are rice dumplings.

3、tomorrow will be windy.

4、he is good at skating.

5、they like watching a film.



)1、i feel sick, what can i do?

a 、go and see a doctorb、you’re welcome.

)2、what are these?

a 、ok, let’s gob、these are rice dumplings.

)3、who is the tallest?

a 、tomorrow will be rainy. b、peter is the tallest.

)4、what did anne want to do?

a 、she wanted to skateb、she is skating.

)5、when is the dragon boat festival?

a 、it is on the fifth of the fifth lunar month. b、they are different.



)1、the children are athome.

a、anne b、anne’s

)2、anne is good at

a、swim b、swimming

)3、peter was very interestedthe film.


)4、there werelights on the ceiling.

a、many b、this

)5、tomorrow will be

a、sunny b、rainy

)6、who has more pencils?

ab、peter anne

)7、theinteresting story is 《the ugly ducking》

a、more b、most

)8、i h**epens than you.

a、more b、most

)9、the schoolbaglike a panda.

a、look b、looks


a、draw b、draws


)1、h**e you got enough moneya、i’m good at singing.

)2、can i look at that dictionary, pleaseb、i like swimming.

)3、what are you good atc、no, i h**en’t.

)4、is it useful enoughd、yes , it is.

)5、what do you likee、of course..


t': span', c': similar butcher swimming less cold', r': r_3'},

1、i fellwhat can i do? 2、bottle a haswater.

3、the flowers are4、she is good at

5、ag**e a piece of meat to the dog.


one day, a little deer met a wolf in the forest, the deer was frightened but it didn’t run away from the wolf. it saw some small trees and tried to hide in the trees, but they were too small. the deer stood in the sun.

it had a huge shadow. the wolf saw shadow and was frightened, it ran away.

)1、the deer met ain the forest.

a、tiger b、rabbit c、wolf

)2、the deer tried to hide in the trees, but they were too

a、small b、tallc、big

)3、why did the deer stood in the sun

a、it had a huge shadow. b、they are good friends.

)4、the wolf saw the shadow and was

a、happy b、frightened c、tired


学年六年级英语模拟试卷 一

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