六年级英语模拟 一

发布 2020-05-27 03:08:28 阅读 9161







1、a.watch b.wash2、a.toothache b.headache

3、a.dob.did4、a.day b.dive

5、a.thinner b.stronger 6、a.where b.how

7、a.tired b.talked 8、a.sore b.throat

9、a.visited b.visit 10、a.eat b.ate

第三节听录音,选出你所听到的句子,把答案的序号写在题前的括号内。 注意:每小题听三遍。(10分)

) i went fishing yesterday. b. i went swimming yesterday.

) 2 did you go? b. where are you going?

) do you go to canada? b. how did you go to canada?

) did you go on your holiday? b. what did you do on your holiday.

) 5. b. she’s bored.


what are you going to do, mike?

what are you doing?

don't worry. take some medicine.

i went to a park yesterday.

it’s time to say goodbye to your friends.


第二部分笔试 (50分)


went hikingwatched tv

where did you go on your holiday?

i like collecting stamps.

you can take the no. 26 bus.


climbed a mountain ② saw elephants ③ h**e a fever

took pictures ⑤ bought presents


he played football last weekend.

i h**e a headache.

the dog is he**ier than the cat.

john went fishing yesterday.

the apple is bigger than the pear.


)1. a. wash b. clean c. park

) 2. a. strong b. younger c. shorter

) 3. a. ate b. take c. did

) 4. a. learned b. rowed c. play

) 5. a. watched b. bored c. angry


1. what did you do yesterdaya. i like swimming.

2. how do you go to schoolb. i went fishing.

3. when did you goc. i feel sick. i h**e a cold.

4. how do you go to school on foot.

5. what’s your hobbye. i went last weekend.

模拟(一) 听力


1. kk 2. bb 3. ff 4. . rr


1、a.watch 2、 b.headache 3、b.did 4、a.day

5、a.thinner 6、a.where 7、 b.talked

8、 b.throat 9、a.visited 10、 b.ate

第三节听录音,选出你所听到的句子,把答案的序号写在题前的括号内。 注意:每小题听三遍。(10分)

a ) i went fishing yesterday. b. i went swimming yesterday.

b ) 2 did you go? b. where are you going?

b ) do you go to canada? b. how did you go to canada?

a ) did you go on your holiday? b. what did you do on your holiday.

b ) 5. b. she’s bored.


4 ) what are you going to do, mike?

2 ) what are you doing?

1 ) don't worry. take some medicine.

3 ) i went to a park yesterday.

5 ) it’s time to say goodbye to your friends.


1. what did do last weekend? i visited my grandparents.

2. i h**e a toothache.

3. i learned chinese on the holiday.

4. i can play the piano.

5. i went skiing yesterday.


一 判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的写 t 不相同的写 f 5分 1.playedtalked2.trumpet drum 3.cleanbread4.driverdrink 5.grandpaangry 二 照样子写出动词的三种形式。5分 例 walk walkswalkingwalk...


常州市第二实验小学2007年六年级模拟考试试卷。英语试题。本试卷整洁分2分,请同学们书写工整,注意保持卷面整洁。a 听录音,选出你所听到的内容,并将其序号填入题前的括号内。读一遍。3 1.a.childrenb.calculator c.countryside 2.a.publicb.quietc....


2012年六年级第二学期英语模拟试题。听力部分成绩。一 听音,选出你听到的一项,把编号写在前面的括号里,每小题读两遍。10分 2.a.t span c r r 14b.t span c r r 14c.3.abc.4.a.bc.5.abc.6.abc.7.abc 8.abc 9.abc.10.abc...