
发布 2020-03-26 09:43:28 阅读 7680


1. playedtalked2. trumpet drum

3. cleanbread4. driverdrink

5. grandpaangry


例:walk walkswalkingwalked


) 1. a. cleanb. usedc. visit

) 2. a. footballb. pianoc. trumpet

) todayb. yesterdayc. week

) watchb. ranc. went

) 5. a. dancedb. jumpec. parade


1. you're really___luck).

2. a tiger jumped on___i).

3. let's___go)to school.

4. did you___find) your keys?

5. i___forget) me homework yesterday.


)1.--what happened?

-__i won the game. _i had fun with my friends. i __got a gift.

a. then; next; firstb. first; next; then c. next; first; then

)2. i missed the bus and___my keys.

a. loseb. losesc. lost

)3. i blew __trupet __tuesay afternon.

a. /onb. the; in

)4.--what happened___that girl?

-she couldn't find her mother.

a. for

)5. i __some rice this morning. i don't want___bread now.

a. eat; to eatc. at; to eat


1. i ate any chicken last night.(就画线部分提问)

you __last night?

2. i wen o the supermarket.(变成一般疑问句)

didto the supermarket?

3. diid you miss the bus?(作否定回答)

___i __

4. i wattched tv the day before yesterday.(就画线部分提问)

you do the day before yesterday?

5. daay, lucky,a,what(!)连词成句)



the childrenthe park lass week.


whatyour sister do at home yesterday?


helen___the great wallher family last weekend.


tony___and___ths good time.


一)yesterday was lily‘s mother's birthday. in the morning, lily got up very early to prepare(准备)a big birthday cake for her mother. att 7o’clock, lily prepared breakfast for her family.

when her family got up and saw this, they were very happy. at about 6 o'clock in the evening, the birthday party started. her mother got many presents.

her father g**e her a beautiful . mr. green, lily's mother's friend, g**e her some flowers.

she was very happy that day.

)1. whose birthday was it yesterday?

a. lily'sb. lily's father'sc. lily's mother's

) present did lily give to her mother?

a. new beautiful ringc. a big birthday cake.

)3. did lily's father give a present to her mother?

a. no, he did b. yes, he didc. no, he didn't.

) iss mr. green?

a. lily's friend b. lily's brotherc. lily's mother's friend

) did the birthday party start?

a. at abbout 6 o'clock in the morningb. at seven in the evening

c. at about 6 o'clock in the evening

二)early to bed, early to rise(起身)makes people healthy(键康的). wealthy(富有的)and wise(聪明的).”this is an old english saying.

children should h**e ten hours' (小时)sleep every night, or they can't do their work very well. they will not be wise. the body needs exercise.

waalking, running, swimming and playing ball game are all healthy forms(方式)of exercise. exercise keepst the body strong.

1. what can make people healthy, wealthy and wise?

2. how many hours' sleep should children h**e every night?


4.文中面线句子“the body needs exercise."的中文意思是什么?


a. an old english saying

b. healthy, wealthy and wise

c. health and exercise


请你以“last weekend”为题,根据提示并发挥你的想象,写一篇不少于6句话的短文。


常州市第二实验小学2007年六年级模拟考试试卷。英语试题。本试卷整洁分2分,请同学们书写工整,注意保持卷面整洁。a 听录音,选出你所听到的内容,并将其序号填入题前的括号内。读一遍。3 1.a.childrenb.calculator c.countryside 2.a.publicb.quietc....


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