
发布 2020-03-26 09:41:28 阅读 7976


1. thechild复数play)(正在玩) in the park.

2. linglingsit) (正坐在) on a秋千).

3a| an) old mansit)(正坐在)on a长椅).

4. hesleep )(正在睡觉).

5. his doglook at) (正看着) the children.

6. mingmingthrow) (正在扔stone复数) _朝,向) the dog.

7. the dog __am|is|are) very angry.

8. itbark)(正在叫).

9不要扔) stones __朝,向)the dog ,mingming.

10. mingmingnotlisten)(正在听).

11. thechain)(狗的链子broken)(坏掉了).

12. it isrunmingming .

13. mingmingclimb up)(正在往上爬) the滑梯).

14. the dogbite)(正在咬明明的) _脚的单数).

15. the old mancall)(正在叫) his dog.

16. hecry)(正在哭).

17. rover来) here!

18. the dog __bark) at mingming.

19. there __am|is|are) an old man in the park.

20. the dog跑向) mingming.

21. he __h**e |has| had)a small dog和,跟随) him.

22. mingmingthrow)(扔) stones朝,向) the dog.



unit 2

1katie) (凯蒂的一天)

总是get up) early每天).

3weekdays , she总是起床on| at |in) six o’clock.

4. she alwayswash) her __脸) at 6:05 __上午)(am |pm).

5然后) (they |then |that) ,shemake ) 整理) her __床铺) at 6:15 am.

|families| familys通常h**e | has| had) breakfast at 6:30 am.

7凯蒂的) sister ,sally ,is经常late| lately| later).

8. sherun to) the breakfasttake| table | tables) at 6:45 am.

father alwaysle**e forworks |work |worked) at seven o’clock .

10. he usuallyw**e | w**ed | w**es) them再见).

11. peter usuallygo) to bed at ten o’clock.

usuallygo) to schoolon | at| by) bus.

alwaysdo) her homework at six o’clock.

14. ann oftenwatch)tv at seven o’clock.

nevereat) cake.

unit 3

1. thereis | was| were) a public holiday last week .

2. the w___ther (天气is | was | were) good that day.

3. the childrentalk about) where they __want ) to go .

4. let __is | was| us) go to the shopping centre.

5. wego | went |goes) there last month .

6. let’s go to the park __or a picnic.

7. i __wants | want | wanting) to r___d (阅读) scice (科学story 复数).

8. no, let’s go to the b___ch(海滩).

9. we __不能) go任何地方现在).

10. the children wanted to __out (外出).

11. they did not want to待在家).

12. the childrenhas | h**e | had)(“有”的过去式) many ideas.

13. they talked __or | and | but)(又) talked.

14. they __did | do | does) not go out at all .

15. they staystay 过去式) at home all day !

16. let’s go to a r___strt(饭店).

17. i’m bor乏味的).

18. let’s go to a ci __e m___电影院).

unit 4

1. long , long a___a beautiful girl chang’ewant ) to fly __too | two| to) the moon.

2. s___因此) she __take) a magic m___d___c___e(药) and __fly过去式)to the moon __but| or | with)her rabbit .

3. aft__ 在……之后) some time ,she __miss) her husband __and | but | orfeel) lone___孤独地).

4. w__ en (当……时) there __am| is| are) a full moon , chang’e and her husbandtry 过去式)to seech other(互相,彼此).

5. mid—autumn f__ st___v___l (中秋节)__fall) on fifteenth of thegh第八) l __n农历的,阴历的) mon月份).

6. people g __t t___g__ther (团聚) and eat mooncakes __on| in| at) this day .

7. w__ y (为什么) did chang’e __took| take| takes) the magic medicine?

8. what did shebring | brings | brought) with her to the moon ?

9. how (怎样) do people c__ l __br __t__(庆祝) mid —autumn festival n现在)?


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