
发布 2020-03-28 23:11:28 阅读 7631


( )1. l_rg_ a. a, e b. e, e

) 2. h_pp_ly a. i, a b. a, l c. a, i

) 3. l_ _dly a. u, o b. o, u c. o, o

) 4. q_i_tly a. e, e b. u, e c. u, a

) 5. w_ _k a. a, e b. e, a c. a, a

二、 英汉互译。(10分)

1.某一天2. large and strong

3.吵醒4. laugh loudly

5.就在那时6. become friends

7.从那时起8. pour…into

9.第二天10. be good at

11. 好习惯12. brush his teeth

13. 从不迟睡14. before dinner

15. 干净整洁16. finish his homework

17. 起床早1 8. listen to his teachers

19.感觉困倦 fast


) 1. how can the mousethe lion?

a. helpingb. helpsc. help

) 2 .the elephant is big and

a. shortb. weakc. strong

) 3. long long ago, therea lion in the forest.

a. isb. wasc. were

) 4. two men caught the liona large net.

a. inb. withc. for

) a __boy. he laughs

a. happy; happily b. happily; happy c. happy; happy

) 6. he says

a. sadb. sadlyc. sady

) 7. please taketo the office.

a. heb. hisc. him

) 8. they are good atbasketball.

a. playb. playsc. playing

) 9. soon the mousea big hole.

a. madeb. ******c. make

) 10. they are too __and cheer for it

a. excited; loud b. excited; loudly c. excitedly; loudly


1. he is readingquiet).

2. the girlwake) her mother up this morning.

3. the students laughloud).

4. the woman was cryingsad).

5. the mousebite) my coat yesterday.


( )1. is the ball in the holea. i can bite the net.

) 2. did the lion eat the mouseb. no, he didn’t.

( )3. what are you going to doc. yes, it is.

( )4. how can you help med. they watched the fireworks.

) 5. what did they doe. i’m going to read some books.


1. there was a lion in the forest.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

there a lion in the forest? yes, there

2. the children are talking happily. (改为否定句)

the childrenhappily .

3. i can help you with my teeth. (对划线部分提问)

can you help

4. the mouse makes a hole and gets out from the net.(改为一般过去时)

the mousea hole andout from the net.

5. i saw a little mouse in the desk this morning. (对画线部分提问)

did youin the desk this morning?


1. -狮子吃了老鼠吗?--不。他让他走了。

did the lionthe mouse? no, hehim

2. 昨天他们为我们大声地欢呼。

theyfor usyesterday.

3. -他们在干什么? -他们正在打乒乓球。

whattheythey’retable tennis.


sam is tooand hethe ball hard.


fred likes fish very much. one day, he buys some fish and takes it home. his son sees the fish and says to himself, “very good!

i can ask my friends to h**e it for lunch.”

the next day(第二天), fred comes home in the evening. the fish isn’t there. his son says, “oh, dad, your cat eats the fish.

” fred gets angry. he takes the cat and his son to the shop and weighs (称) the cat. then he says, “little boy, my fish weighs one kilo, and the cat weighs one kilo too.

my cat is here, then where is my fish?”


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a.i,my i my mine iii.句型转换。10分 1 li lei brings me a card.改成一般过去时 2.is your teacher a man?作肯定回答 does her homework at home.改为一般疑问句 are three buses in the...


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