
发布 2020-08-02 04:27:28 阅读 1328



listening part (35分)

一、听句子,选出句子中所含有的信息,并把所选信息的编号写在题前的括号内。 (每句读两遍)(10分)

)1. a . he**yb. he**ierc . bigger

)2. a. cmb. kgc. year

)3. a. headacheb. sore throatc. fever

)4. a. hurtsb. hearc. head

)5. a. watchedb. playedc. washed

)6. a. rain

)7. a. dob. doesc. did

)8. a. 3433656b. 3465633c. 3486553

)9. a. summerb. singingc. someone

)10. a. longb. bigc. large

二、看图,听句子。按照听到的顺序用阿拉伯数字给下列各图标序号。 (每句读两遍)(5分)

三、听问句,选择问句的正确答语,并把正确答语的编号写在提前的括号内。 (每个问题读两遍)(10分)

( )1. a . she’s tired. b . she has a cold. c . yes, she feels happy.

( )2. a . i’m 150 cm. b . i’m thinner than you. c . i’m 48 kg.

( )3. a . i feel sick. b . i played football. c . we are happy.

( )4. a . no, i dob . yes, i didn’t. c . yes, i did.

( )5. a . we are going to take a big trip. b . we are going to xinjiang.

c . we are at home.


( )1. john was busy last weekend.

( )2 . john went to school on saturday morning.

( )3 . they went to the park by bus.

( )4 . on sunday morning, john do some housework.

( )5 . john and his mother watched tv at home on sunday afternoon.

writing part (65分)

一、 判断下面各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,是的在本题后面的括号里打“√”否则打“ⅹ”6分)

)1. south cloud2. here pear

)3. yesterday went3. buy bored

)4. hiking swimming6. sun busy

二、 选择正确答案,并把答案的编号写在题前的括号内。 (24分)

)1. i am than zhang peng.

a. thinner b. thinnerc. thin

)2. how is john? he is 160cm tall.

a. oldb. he**yc. tall

)3. i failed my english test. !

a. i’m happyb. i’m sorry to hear that.

c. thank you.

) did mrs. green go on her holiday?

a. she visited her grandparents.

b. she went to a nature park.

c. she went to beijing.

)5. you’re 4cm than me.

a. he**ier b.

6. what is jack going to do tomorrow?

a. he bought a book in the bookstore.

b. he is going to buy a book in the bookstore.

c. he is reading a book in the bookstore.

)7. my schoolbag is he**ier than .

a. youb. yoursc. your

)8. if you are sick, go and

a. h**e a sore throat b. visit your grandparents

c. see the doctor

( )9. did you go to school yesterday?

a. yes, i did. b. yes, i didn’t. c. no, i did.

)10. amy often tv in the evening.

a. watch b. watches c. watched

)11. my father is artist.

a. ab. anc. the

)12. what’s the matter? my arm .

a. hurtb. is hurtc. hurts

三、 根据提示完成句子,每空一词。 (10分)

1. 你怎么了? 我觉得不舒服。

what’s thei feel sick.

2. 上个星期日早上,我和我的朋友在一起踢足球。

last sunday morning, ifootball with my friends.

3. 我的妈妈是一个女演员。

my mother is an

4. 你有帮助他们打扫房间吗?

did you help themtheir room?

5. 你昨天在干什么呢? 我去钓鱼了。

what did you do yesterday? i went

四、 根据括号提示,结合句意,写出适当的英语单词,每空一词。 (10分)

1. amy likesdance).

2. chen jie istall) than her sister.

3. did yougo) swimming last weekend?

4. ivisit) my grandparents yesterday morning.

5. dose your motherteach) you english?

五、 a栏中的问句可以在b栏中找到正确的答语,请找出来,并将其编号写在题前的括号内。 (5分)

ab】( )1. what did you do yesterdaya. she is my sister.

( )2. what’s the matter,mikeb. i go to school by bike.


六年级小升初英语科 一 词汇。1 选出画线部分发音不同的词 5分 b lake c bake d matter b beat c meat d sweater b make c dive d drive b put c usually d tuesday b who c white d where ...


a c b c a c c补充单词略cacbbcbcca 题 现usually为一般现在时,主语amy,动词变第三人称单数。题 现last weekend为一般过去时。swimming题 现look 为现在进行时,结构be 助动词did后加动词原形,故clean不变过去式。句型 like doing...


华寺完小2011年六年级模拟英语测试卷4 schoolclass name 亲爱的同学们 相信你这段时间一定学到了很多知识,请将你们的能力展示给大家吧!一定要认真细心,相信会取得好成绩。一 帮字母找到合适的邻居。12分 eennjj qquuyy 二 你是小小书法家。8分 everyone shin...