初二第一学期第一课SectionB 1a 3a 导学案

发布 2023-11-13 11:35:07 阅读 5654



1)thanks for sth

2) here are some of my photos


3)in the first/second/third/last photo

翻译)4) be with sb翻译)



tom, three photos, play the guitar, go to the movies, talk with my friends, party, in the cinema, under the tree. suzan, sister, jim ,brother。


1、here are some of my photos.这是一个倒装句,当here位于句首时,常引起句子倒装。当句中主语是单数是,用here is….

当句中主语是复数时,用here are…这一句型常用于后面要说的话或列举的事物。如:

1)here are some of my books. 这是我的一些书。

2) here is what i want to say.这就是我想说的话。




5)老师正在和我的妈妈谈话。 6)李磊正在二楼上英语课。

they / behind the house___


model: where/jim/sing where is jim singing?

he/in the classroom he is singing in the classroom

1). where / postman / go

he / to our friends’ house

2). where / women /sit

they / in the park

3). where / anna / read her book

she/in the living room

**案】thanks for your letter and the photos.谢谢你的来信和**。

thank 此处作名词,常用复数形式。如:many thanks

拓展:1)thank 也可作动词,意为“谢谢”如:thank sb for doing sth.为某事而感谢某人。thank you for helping me.

2)photo 是名词,复数时photos.


1)ginalisten) to an english song now.

(2)look! the childrenclean) the classroom.

(3)-_tom___play) basketball with his friends?

(4)it’s ten o’clock now. the studentsh**e)a math lesson.

(5)listen! bob and mikeread)chinese in the classroom.


marie: hello! may i speak to karen?

karen: hello! this is karen. how are you, marie?

marie: i’m fine. what __do)?

karen: nothing much. i __study)math. what about you?

marie: i __clean)my room.

karen: hey, do you want to __go)to the movies?

marie: that __sound)boring.

karen: i just call lucy. sheswim).

do you like __swim)?

marie: sure. we can swim in the school’s swimming pool. when do you want to go?

karen: let’s __go)to the swimming pool now.

marie: great! iii. reading.



1. your / pals / pen /doing / are /what

2. father / reading / news***** / the / his /is

3. some /of / are / here / my / photos

4. dinner / she / eating / is /now

5. at /pool / swimming / am / the /i

6. she / want / to / movie s / go / to / does / the


1he is taking a shower.

2she is reading.

3they are watching tv.

4the woman is sitting under the tree.

5my grandparents are eating.


boy is getting up now.(对划线部分提问)

the boy___now?

helps his mother with the housework.(用now改写句子)

hehis mother with the homework now.

students are working in the garden now.(改为一般疑问句)

___the studentsin the garden now?

are talking to their english teacher. (对划线部分提问)

they talking to?

students are waiting for the school bus. (对划线部分提问)

the students waiting for?


it’s saturday morning. betty is h**ing her breakfast. betty’s mother and father are with her.

on saturday morning betty doesn’t go to school. she helps her parents do some housework. this morning she says to her mother.

“can i help you, mum? ”yes, you can help me. ”her mother says, “you can go to mr.

white’s shop. something is wrong with our clock. mr.

white mends (修理)clocks. our clock is in his shop. ”is he mending our clock?

”betty asks. “yes. ”her father says.

“and this morning it is ready. ”yes, it is ready. ”her mother says, “go to mr.

white’s shop. take this bag. you can put the clock in it.

”betty takes the bag and goes to the shop to get the clock back home.


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