
发布 2023-09-12 16:36:58 阅读 4859

part1 重点短语必背及练习。

1通过 by + n./pron./doing 22.训练发音 practice pronunciation

1.和朋友一起合作 work with friends 23.提高我说的技能 improve my speaking skills

2.小组合作 work with a group 24.英语口语 spoken english

3.制作单词卡片 make word cards 25.改进你的发音 improve your pronunciation

4.读教科书 read the textbook 26.练习说 practice speaking

5.读书和报纸 read books and news*****s 27.大声重复出来 repeat out loud

6.读英文杂志 read english magazines 28.学到很多 learn a lot

7.读完一本书 finish reading a book 29.学新单词 learn new words

8.读你喜欢的东西 read something you enjoy 30.有那种方式 (in)that way

9.你读得越多,你就越 31.有点紧张 a little nervous the more you read,the faster you’ll be 32.

作报告 give a report

10.听录音 listen to tapes 33.听起来太糟糕 sound too bad

11.听对话 listen to conversations 34.一个读书很慢的人 a very slow reader

12.听有趣的东西 listen to something interesting 35.抓住主要的思想 get main ideas

13.看录像带 watch videos 36.抓住意思 get the meaning

14.练习听力 practice listening 37.首先 at first

15.向老师寻求帮助 ask the teacher for help 38.一个词一个词 word by word

16.为考试学习 study for a test 39.读词群、词组 read word groups

17.学语法 learn grammar 40.尝试猜一个词的意思 try to guess a word’s meaning

18.和某人对话 h**e conversations with sb. 41.读句子 read sentences

19.和同班同学说英语 speak english with friends 42.耐心些 be patient ( to)

20.用英语 in english 43.这需要时间 it takes time.

21.大声朗读 read aloud


1、i study english words by ****** f .

2、i like reading a to p pronunciation.

3、he often studies by l to tapes.

4、h**e you ever j an english club to improve your english?

5、do you learn english by w english-language tv?

6、we finishedenglish just now.刚才我们读完英语了。

7、i think the book is有帮助的) for me.

8、jim is a goodlisten).


)1. -this math problem is __hard for me to understand. can you help me ?

sure. it’s my pleasure.

a. very b. too c. quiet d. rather

)2. “does kate often practice __the violin after school?” yes, she does.”

a. playing b. to play c. played d. play

)3. alice hasn’t been to canada. nancy hasn’t

a. also b. either c. too d. neither

)4. “jim, can i borrow your bike?” sorry, i __it to rose.”

a. lent b. h**e lent c. lend d. had lent

)5. let’s __about future.

a. not to worry b. not worry c. not worrying d. not to worrying

)6you ever __with a group?

( )2. “does kate often practice __the violin after school?” yes, she does.”

a. playing b. to play c. played d. play

)3. alice hasn’t been to canada. nancy hasn’t

a. also b. either c. too d. neither

)4. “jim, can i borrow your bike?” sorry, i __it to rose.”

a. lent b. h**e lent c. lend d. had lent

)5. let’s __about future.

a. not to worry b. not worry c. not worrying d. not to worrying

)6you ever __with a group?

a. h**e,study b. h**e, studied c. do,study d. has, studied

)7. it improved my __skills.

a. listen b. listened c. listening d. to listen

) about playing games __your spoke english?

a. improve b. improving c. to improve d. improved


1、what about reading english?(同义句read ebglish?

2、i spent two days on the booktwo daysthe book.

3、she is so young that she can’t go to school. she is __young __go to school.

4、用loud aloud loudly 的适当形式填空。

he read his sister’s letteri can’t hear you ,please speak __

the students talked __in the classroom. she sang in a __voice in the room.

5、你应该练习你的发音。 you should practice your



just readtheat read


trya word’s __by __the sentences,you probably understandyou think.


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