
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:54 阅读 1187

八年级英语《what were you doing when the rainstorm came






三、教学目标设定 1.掌握以下句型; a;where were you at the time of the rainstorm? b :

i was in the library. a : what was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm?

b : she was taking a shower. a:

what were you doing at eight last night? b; i was taking a walk. 2.


四、教学重、难点 1.过去进行时态。 2. when与while引导的时间状语从句。

五、教学手段 ppt的使用。 说明;1本课以暴风雨为情境,创设话题, 教师使用多****声音,导入本单元话题。 2在谈论过去进行时态时,**上次的暴风雨资料,引起学生的回忆,学习过去进行时态。

同时利用幻灯片学习功能句。 3利用多**的**功能**听力。并检查答案。

六、教学实施过程 up and leading in

a guessing gamewhat isit? 教师使用多****声音,导入本单元话题。 what were you doing at the time of rainstorm?

**上次的暴风雨资料,引起学生的回忆,学习过去进行时态。同时利用幻灯片学习功能句。 a conversation like this; a;where were you at the time of the rainstorm?

b : i was in the library. a; what was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm?

b; she was taking a shower. a; what were you doing at eight last night? b;i was taking a walk.

3. show their work. step3 listening house and finish 1b.

2a.2b the answers利用多**的**功能**听力。并检查答案。

step4 expansion and ex tension **1b的听力,让学生跟读。 2. act it out.

3.小组合作**,自己理解对话内容, 不能完成的,老师给予帮助。 4.


step5 group work: give a report like this: at the time of rainstorm mary was shopping on the street.

linda was… 使用目标语言结构。利用幻灯片展示学生成果。 step6 summing up利用ppt回放部分课件总结本课重点内容。

板书展示a;where were you at the time of the rainstorm? b; i was in the library. a; what was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm?

b; she was taking a shower. a : what were you doing at eight last night?

b :i was taking a walk

七、 教学总结与反思: 1.本课的教学,我采用了任务型教学模式和多**视听结合的教学方法,真实语境的创设都为学生学习提供了兴趣和动力,使学生在情感和行动上积极参加教与学的活动,改变了学生的学习习惯和态度 ,提高了他们的学习效率。




五柳先生传 课堂实录。一 前置补偿,导入新课 师 成语 世外桃源 出自东晋田园诗人写的 一文,后常用来借指。生 陶渊明桃花源记幻想 想象 理想 中的美好世界。师 除 桃花源记 外,我们在初一时还学过陶渊明的一首诗,谁能背诵一遍呢?生 背诵 归园田居陶渊明。种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀,晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄...


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第五单元。section a 1a 1.我想我要与凯伦和安一起去参加聚会。d.如果你那样做,你将会玩得很愉快。2.我想我要穿着牛仔裤去参加聚会。a.如果你那样做,老师们不会让你进去。3.我想我要乘公共汽车去参加聚会。b.如果你那样做,你会迟到的。4.我想我要待在家里。c.如果你那样做,你会后悔的。1...