
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:53 阅读 8891

unit5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came?

重点短语。sure确信;确认 against...拍打……3.

fall asleep进人梦乡;睡着4. die down逐渐变弱;逐渐消失5. wake up醒来6.

in a mess一团糟。

7. break...apart使……分离。

8. in times of difficulty在困难的时候9. at the time of当。

时候10. go off (闹钟)发出响声11. take a hot shower洗热水澡12.

miss the bus错过公交车13. pick up接**。

14. bring...together使……靠拢15. in the area在这个地区。

16. miss the event错过这个事件17. by the side of the road在路边。

18. the animal helpline动物保护**19. walk by走路经过。

20. make one’s way to...在某人去……的路上21. hear the news听到这个消息。

events in history历史上的重大事件 example例如 killed被杀害25. over 50 50多(岁)

26. a school pupil一个小学生27. on the radio通过广播 silence沉默;无声。


world trade center世贸中心 down拆除;摧毁。

meaning to对……有意义 doing sth.记得做过某事 first首先;最初。

重点句型】1.—what were you doing at eight last night?昨晚8点你在干什么?

—i was taking a shower.我在洗淋浴。

2. when it began torain,ben washelping hismom make dinner.当开始下雨的时候,本正在帮他妈妈做晚饭。

3.—what was jenny doing while linda was sleeping?琳达在睡觉的时候,珍妮正在干什么?

while linda was sleeping, jenny was helping mary with her homework.琳达在睡觉的时候,珍妮正在帮玛丽做作业。


unit4 why don t you talk to your parents?重点短语。free time有空闲时间。sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事 out with sb.与某人闲逛4.after school classes课外活动课。5.get into a fight with...


unit 1what s the matter?重点短语。a fever发烧 a cough咳嗽 a toothache牙疼 too much说得太多。enough water喝足够的水 a cold受凉 感冒 a stomachache胃疼 a sore back背疼 a sore throat喉...

人教版英语八年级下册重点词组 句型及语法点汇总

unit 1 what s the matter?怎么了?一 重点词组 1.h e a fever cough cold 发烧 咳嗽 感冒。2.h e a toothache stomachache 牙疼 胃疼。3.h e a sore back throat 背疼 喉咙痛。4.talk too m...