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义务教育教科书(江苏)五年级英语上册教案 unit 1 goldilocks and the three bears第一教时。


教学内容:story time

教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写。

1) 句型与日常用语:

there is …

there are …

help!2) 词汇:house, room, in front of, her, beside, between

2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇:bear,forest, there, soup, just right, hard,soft, afraid,3. 学会用介词表达方位。

4. 培养学生阅读经典英语故事的习惯。

教学重点:1.句型:there is / are …

2.词汇:house,room, in front of, her, beside, between

教学难点:1.句型:there is / are …的用法。

2.词汇:house,room, in front of, her, beside, between等词的音、形、义。

教学准备:1. 包、玩具熊、扇子、小石块。

2. 教学光盘、多**。

教学过程:a. warming up

1. greetings

2. free talk

1)t: hello,how are you?

s1: i’m fine, thank you. and you?

t: not so good. (做擦汗、扇扇子动作)what’s the matter with me?

s1: you are hot.

帮助学生复习hot, cold, hungry, thirsty, tired感官类形容词。

2) 出示玩具熊、小石块。

t: look at the toy bear. touch it,please. how is it? it’s soft,right?

s2: yes, it’s soft..

t: touch this now. how is it? is it soft, too?

s2: no.

t: right. it’s not soft. it’s hard.

教学词汇soft, hard

3) 学生利用文具进行接龙游戏,操练hard,soft

s1: touch this rubber,please.

s2: it’s soft. touch this pencil, please.

s3: it’s hard. touch this box,please.

b. presentation and pratice

1. 问答活动,引入目标介词。

1) 出示提袋、书、铅笔橡皮等学习用品。教师利用手边的物品和周围环境,复习介词in, on, behind和under

t: (将一本书放入手提袋)where’s my book?

ss: it’s in the desk..

t:(将手提包放在讲台上)where’s my bag?

ss: it’s on the desk.

t:(将手提包放在椅子下)where’s my bag now?

ss: it’s under the chair.

t:(将手提包放在自己身后)where’s my bag now?

ss: it’s behind you.

复习介词in, on, under, behind

2) 教师邀请一个男生和一个女生,并和他们并排站在全体同学前,呈现beside,between和in front of的位置关系。

t:(教师站在两个学生中间,横向排列面对学生)where am i ? i’m between … and …

(教师站在两个学生的最前面,纵向排列面对学生)now i’m in front of …and …

(教师站在两个学生一侧,横向排列面对学生)now i’m beside … and …


s1: …is between / in front of / beside…

2. 问答活动,引入新句型there is/ are …


t: what’ in my bag?

ss: a book.

t: yes. there is a book in my bag.(引导学生理解)

t: look, what’s on the desk?

ss: two pencils.

t: right. there are two pencils on the desk.

板书:there is a book in my bag

there are two pencils on the desk.

领读并学习这两个句子,引导学生观察、讨论is, are的用法。

2) 引导学生同桌用there is / are…说说自己的学习用品。

c. story time

1. **本部分动画,简介故事人物和场景。

t: this is a classic story. we can see a girl in the cartoon. what colour is her hair?

ss: it’s golden.

t: yes. so her name is goldilocks. say hello to goldilocks.

ss: hello, goldilocks.

t: (出示**1)what can you see in this picture?

s1: i can see a house.

s2: i can see some trees.

s3: i can see goldilocks.

t: where can you see many trees?

ss: in a park.

t: yes. you can see many trees in a park. where else can you see many trees?

s1: in a forest.

t: rght. it’s a forest. where’s goldilocks?

ss: she’s in a forest.

2. 看图说话,操练新句型。

引导学生看图,试用新句型there is /are …描述**内容。

there is a girl in the forest.

there is a house in the forest.

3. 再次**动画,引导学生理解。

4. 学生听录音,跟读课文。

d. homework

1. 听录音,跟读课文。

2. 阅读故事goldilocks and the three bears

3. 抄写:

1) 词汇:house, room, in front of, her, beside, between.

2) 句子:

there is a house.

there is some soup on the table.

there are three beds in the room.

there are three bears in front of her!


教学内容:story time

教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写。

1) 句型与日常用语:

there is …

there are …

help!2) 词汇:house, room, in front of, her, beside, between

2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇:bear,forest, there, soup, just right, hard,soft, afraid,3. 学会用介词表达方位。

4. 培养学生阅读经典英语故事的习惯。

教学重点:1.句型:there is / are …

2.词汇:house,room, in front of, her, beside, between

教学难点:1.句型:there is / are …的用法。

2.词汇:house,room, in front of, her, beside, between等词的音、形、义。

教学准备:1. 包、玩具熊、扇子、小石块。

2. 教学光盘、多**。

教学过程:a. warming up

1. greetings

2. free talk

1)t: hello,how are you?

s1: i’m fine, thank you. and you?

t: not so good. (做擦汗、扇扇子动作)what’s the matter with me?

s1: you are hot.

帮助学生复习hot, cold, hungry, thirsty, tired感官类形容词。

2) 出示玩具熊、小石块。

t: look at the toy bear. touch it,please. how is it? it’s soft,right?

s2: yes, it’s soft..

t: touch this now. how is it? is it soft, too?

s2: no.

t: right. it’s not soft. it’s hard.

教学词汇soft, hard

3) 学生利用文具进行接龙游戏,操练hard,soft

s1: touch this rubber,please.


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