小学六年级英语第十一册1 2课试卷

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小学六年级英语第十一册(第1--2课)形成性训练卷(2010. 09)



i. 开学了,miss chen发现班上的学生很有特点,听录音,找出每个句子含有的单词,用1,2,3…给它们标号。(念两遍)

ii.miss chen班上的孩子都很聪明,他们学会了用形容词来给人物做比较,听录音,请标明他们的名字。(念两遍)


) lift something he**y for 30 minutes everyday.

) eat more sweets.

) do 20 press-ups everyday.

) drink lots of water.

) eat lots of fruit andvegetables.

) always take the bus or thelift.

) play asport.

) watch tv every day.

) run four times a week.

) swim twice a week.

) play computer games everyday

iv. 孩子不光身体健康强壮,他们对自然界了解得也很多。听录音,用线条将相应的词语连接起来。(念两遍)

changjiang river lhasa chongqing splendid china giraffe

largest highest longest tallest biggest

v. 在关于自然界的知识竞赛中,孩子们做得非常好,他们分别得了。


tom mary rose kevin d**id carl jenny

vi. 孩子们来到锦绣中华,他们可以尽情领略祖国的大好河山。听一听有关内容的介绍,填写所缺的单词使句子意思完整。(念三遍)

splendid china is themodel park in the world. it has the model of thewall in the world, the great wall, but it is muchthan the real one. in the park, you can see rock paintingsold treesand mountains.

you can also see potala palace – thepalace in the world – and you won’t need a plane to get there!


i. lily 在miss chen 讲新课的那天生病了,你能帮助她用合适的词把句子填好吗?

1. jack istall) than his brother.

2. betty looksyoung) than her friend.

3. i think the weather in spring iswet) than it is in winter.

4. tom ishe**y) than he was last year.

5. grace isthan the other girls. (old)

6. who do you think iscarl or mark? (strong)

he is thestrong) of the three.

7. it istoday than it was yesterday. (warm)

8. toronto is thelarge) city in canada.

9. this is thebig) apple in the bag.

10. henry is theweak) among us.

ii. 班上peter, tom 和ben最喜欢攀比了,瞧,他们在比谁长得快呢。 看图表,描述孩子们去年和今天的身高和体重的变化。

1. last year peter __he**y. he was 39 kg.

this year he is he**ier. he’s __kg. he isthan tom and ben.

2. last year ben washe was only 24 kg. he was __than tom and peter.

this year he iskg. he isthan tom.

3. last year tom and ben __short. they were 130 __they were shorter than peter.

this year tom __138cm. he is __than ben but he is __than peter.

4. last year peter __tall. he was __than tom and ben.

this year he __142 cm. he is still __than tom and ben.

iii. peter, tom 和 ben分别在a, b, c三个队里,请根据以下图表中三组队员的情况,完成下列句子:

1.__s shoe is the lightest ands shoe is the he**iest.

2.__s pencil is the longest ands pencil is the shortest.

3.__s bag is the he**iest ands bag is the lightest.

iv. pam, jane和sue 也进行了比赛,看图写话,填写所缺的单词。

pam is fast. jane is __than pam but she is __than sue. sue isof all. and pam isof all.

pam is fat. jane isthan pam but she is __than sue. sue isof all. and pam isof all.


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