
发布 2023-05-21 07:59:28 阅读 5986

unit 3 课时作业。


一、 翻译短语。(10分)





1、这是我的爷爷is my

2、那是我的哥哥is my

3、那是我的两个弟弟are my

4、这是他的祖父母are his

5、那是她的爷爷is her


1、dadmy good friends , amy and lucy .

a、she is b、they are c、this is d、these are

2、those are

a、his books b、your book c、her boxs d、my watch

3、these are mary’s

a、parent b、 grandfather c、brother d、parents

4her books.

a、 this is b、 these are c、 that is d、 these

5、 look at thethey are my sisters.

a、 girl b、 girls c、 boy d、 boys


1、i h**e a b___his name is jim.

2、my father’s father is my g___

3、--are t___your books?

---no,my books are over there.

4、 lucy is my good f___

5、grandmother and grandfather are my father’s p


1、are , two , those , brother , my

2、is , that , sister , my

3、his , are ,these , brother

4、this , my ,is , mother

5、 that , is , grandfather , your

第二课时。一、 调整字母顺序,写出正确的单词。(10分)

1、 htfrae2、istres3 rotbreh

4 、sesth5、 hotes


1、that __anna.

2she a girl?

3 --is this jim? -noisn’t.

4is my boy friend.

5 thesemy friends.


1 这是约翰吗?

john?2 那是我的朋友。

my3 他是你的哥哥吗?

your4 郭鹏是你的弟弟吗?

guo peng

5 她是你的姑姑吗?


1、--is this __brotherhe is my friend.

a your, no b your, yes c my, no d my, yes

2 --is that your car

a yes, it is. b no, it is. c yes ,she is. d no, he isn’t.

3 --is she a student? -yes

a she’s b she is c it isn’t d it is

4 --is this a banana

a yes, it’s b it is c it’s an apple d no, it isn’t

5 __are my sisters. their names are lucy and lily.

a he b she c this d they


1am a student in class one.

2is a boyname is bill.

3 this is lucyis a girl. that isdesk.

4is wang fangenglish name is alice.

5 --is __your brother? -no, he is my friend.


1、jeff and helen are jim’s pjim is their son.

2 the boy is not my brother. he is my f

3 i’m anna’s brother. anna is my s

4 miss white is my english teacher. s___is a good teacher.

5 my father’s mother and father are my g


1、this is a boy.(改为复数形式)

2 these are my sisters.(改为单数形式)

my3 are those your parents?(作否定回答)

4 these are mary’s father and mother.(改为同义句)

these are mary’s

5 they are my friends.(改为单数形式)


1. these are

2. that is

3. what arein english?

4are my flowers.

5. thesebuses. they are

6in english? -it is an apple.

7oranges? -yes,they are.


she is my teacher,miss white.

is this woman?is she your mother?


morning, john.

to meet you, class are you in?


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