4 29五年级英语

发布 2023-04-18 05:36:28 阅读 1139

learning aims:

1. 识记m1-m5的重点内容。

2. 一般过去时态的练习与运用。

一、 选择合适的词的序号。

) i go hiking

a. go...too b. goes...either c. goes...too

) birthday card for our mother.

a. make b. ****** c. makes

)3birthday is in october? a. who b. whose c. who’s

) you like best? a. season b. seasons c. a season

) mother is a teacher. she goes to school7:00the morning.

a. at...on b. at...at c. at...in

) treeare green in spring. a. leafs b. le**es c. leaf

)7is the ninth month of a year. a. september b. august c. october

) like winter. i cansnow. a. play with b. play on c. playing in

) is beautiful, but it’scoldme.

a. to...for b. too...for c. too...to


mike :which season is it now ?


chen: it is september 10th.

mikechen: yes, it’s teachers’ day, too .

mikechen: i like fall.

mikechen: it’s windy .


birthday, visit kites t-shirt sweater, shorts, mountains, ******, city swimming 3rd , shopping)

hello, i am jacky. mayis my grandpa’si ama birthday card (生日卡) for him. usually imy grandparents on may 1st.

my grandparents live(住) in dongguan. it’s a beautifulit’s usually hot in dongguan in may. so i can goat that time.

i usually wear __andi like climbingand flying __in dongguan, too.


ab: yes, i am reading books .

ab: i often play the piano on weekends .

ab: i like winter best.

ab: her birthday is may 5 th.

ab: 9月。


amy: when do you get up?

mike: i get up at six forty. i get up early because i h**e breakfast at home.

amy: what about weekends?

mike: oh, i get up at eight .

amy: what do you do on the weekends?

mike: usually i watch tv and do my homework. sometimes i go hiking. what about you?

amy: me too. and i often read books, too.

mike: tomorrow is children’s day. let’s go hiking together .

amy: great !

)1. what’s the date today?

a. it’s jan. 1st . b. it’s may. 31st .

)2. amy often __on the weekends .

a. watchtv and do her homework. b:watches tv and does her homework

)3. does mike usually get up at 6:30?

a. yes, he does . b. no ,he doesn’t .

)4. mike has breakfast aton mondays .

a. school b. home

)5. does mike read books on the weekends ?

a. yes ,he does. b. no , he doesn’t .

六、 阅读理解。判断下列句子意思与短文意思是否相符,用“t”或“f”表示。

zoom and zip are good friends. they are planning a trip(旅游). zip is going to sunny australia(澳大利亚)!

it’s so warm there. he can swim all day. he has a new bathing suit(游泳衣) and sunglasses(太阳镜).

but zoom doesn‘t like swimming. he likes skating. so he is going to canada, it’s winter there now.

he can skate all day. he has winter coats(冬衣) and some new ice skates(滑冰鞋).

) season in australia and canada is the same.

) and zip are going to canada.

) 3. zoom likes swimming.

) has a new bathing suit and sunglasses.

) can swim all day in canada.

) warm in australia.

) can skate all day in canada.



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