
发布 2023-04-18 05:37:28 阅读 4423

lesson 17 let’s buy postcards!



1. 掌握下列四会词汇:

postcard, letter, e-mail.

2. 运用学到的日常用语简单地会话。

二)能力:1. 在创设的情境中运用所学的知识,使语言交际能力进一步提高。

2. 通过对话,初步学会用英语购物,为学会生活打下基础。




重点:四会词汇:postcard, letter, e-mail





class opening and review


sing “i am drawing”.

key concepts

postcard, letter, e-mail


demonstrate “postcard” and “letter with real objects.

talk about :what do you write a letter on?

what does a postcard h**e?

where can we buy postcards?

demonstrate “e-mail” with a computer. translate ‘e-mail’. note that we say “ an e-mail”.

talk about: what do you write an e-mail on?

use the student book and audiotape.

play the audiotape. ask some students to read the text.


t: look, here is a shop. it has many postcards.

which one do you like? why? (ask the students to answer.

)t: do you want to choose one to send to your family or friend? introduce “send” with a picture.

who do you want to send them to?

now, i’m a clerk. can you buy it? (鼓励学生用how much __及i’ll take __等句子进行对话,可再叫几名学生进行示范。)

t: very good! you can get it.

t: danny, jenny and li ming are in the hotel shop. let’s listen carefully.

show the questions:

what does jenny’s postcard h**e? who does she want to send it to?

what does li ming’s postcard h**e? who does he want to send it to?

listen to the audiotape. fill in the blanks.

whowhat picture


the palace museum

mum and dad

li ming

tian’anmen square

cousin jing

listen to the audiotape again. answer these questions:

what is the panda doing?

how much for this postcard?

how many postcards does danny want to buy? do you know why?


divide the class into small groups. ask each group to make up a dialogue about buying postcards. why are they buying postcards?

who do they buy them for?what pictures do the postcards h**e?


class closing

五、 板书设计。

lesson 17 let’s buy postcards!

a letter*****.

you writeon

an e-maila computer.

we buy postcards in the hotel shop.

how muchyuan.

i’ll take

lesson 18 :jenny writes a postcard


top, bottom, left, right, corner, stamp

how to write a postcard.


1. top,bottom,left,right,corner

2.i want to send this postcard to




word-cards, audiotape, postcards



1. greeting

2. 做“draw and guess”游戏用以复习postcard和e-mail

3. 做“what day is it”游戏用以复习星期的名称、月份和序数。

new concepts:

top, left, right


use a postcard to demonstrate “top”, bottom”, left”, right”, and “corner”.

write on the blackboard and read a few times together.

ask for volunteers to show you the top,bottom,left and right of objects in the classroom.


point to the picture of a postcard on blackboard and ask “where do we put the stamp?” in chinese. teach them the new word “stamp”.

we put the stamp in the top, right corner of the postcard.

play a game.(传递单词游戏)

one by one read the word on the card.

how to write a postcard.(介绍明信片写法)

where do you write on a postcard? on the left.

where do you put the address? on the right.

teach them write the day first,and write the name.


make a postcard by introduce it.

要求每个学生都做一张明信片,用top bottom, left 和right来向学生说明在哪儿写日期,在哪儿写地址,在哪儿写名字。

books. let’s listen to the audiotape and read after the speaker.(读课文)

look at jenny’s can tell us what does she say?

5..do exercises in the activity book.(听力练习)

class closing


lesson 19 li ming’s letter

一。teaching aims and requiremenfs.

1. students can read , write,say and aurally understand the following vocabulary :envelope corner.

二。key concepts:

envelope corner

三。 resources:

word---cards, *****, pencil, envelope, stmap.

四。 teaching procedure

1. class opening and review

(1)greeting: hello, everyone! how are you today? how’s the weather? what day is it?

(2)play a game:“what’s missing?”(复习1---12序数词)

(3)sing a song:“the month song.”

(4)play a game:“pen pal”(讲上一节课制作的名信卡邮发出去)

2. new concepts:

(1)role---play writing a letter. as you do this:

i am writing a letter.

i am writing a letter to___

i i am writing with a pen.


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