
发布 2023-04-18 05:32:28 阅读 7777

what are you doing教学设计。



pep人教版英语五年级下册 unit4 what are you doing?let’s learn.



1)能听、说、读、写5个词组:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone.

2) 能认读句型:what are you doing? i am doing the dishes/…



2) 能够在一定的情景中简单运用句型:what are you doing? i am doing the dishes/…


1) 培养学生热爱生活、热爱劳动的美好情感。

2) 培养学生互相学习、互相合作的学习精神。


1、四会掌握5个动词词组:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone.

2、能简单运用句型:what are you doing? i am doing the dishes/…




五、教学准备: 多**课件, 词组卡片,一口锅,一个碗。



1、let’s chant:

listen,do an action and say.(跟着录音边做动作边说) dog, dog, what can you do? ready? go!

dog, dog, what can you do?

i can run after you.

panda, panda, what can you do?

i can eat so much bamboo.

mouse, mouse, what can you do?

i can hide in the shoe.

mike, mike, what can you do?

i can draw animals in the zoo!

2、 t: you see, the animals and mike are so helpful. are you helpful?

what can you do?who can try?学生说一些已经学过的短语。

如:sweep the floor ; cook the meals ;water the flowers;

clean the room ; read a book;do the dishes ;draw pictures.

you are very helpful! i am helpful ,too.


1、新授doing the dishes

1) guess 引出, 师做洗碗的动作,ask:what am i doing? you can ask me:

what are you doing?i am doing the dishes.

2) 出示认读 :示范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)--跟读—抽读doing the dishes.

3) how to spell: you write with your finger in the sky .

4)play a game ,now,let’s pass the dish,one by one, 当老师说stop时,the other students ask what are you doing?拿到盘子的同学站起来边洗盘子边说:“i am doing the dishes.

”2、新授单词cooking dinner

1) t : are you hungry ?


t:it’s time to cook dinner .

let’s cook dinner. ok?

t: look! 教师做炒菜的动作,what am i doing? you can ask me “what are you doing?”

s: cook the meals!

t: cook the meals or cooking the meals?

s: cooking the meals.

t: yes, i am cooking the meals. i am cooking dinner.乘机板书cooking dinner.

2) 出示认读:师范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)--跟读—指名读(对读得好的同学给予表扬you are job…)。

3)make a dialogue with this sentence.

sa: what are you doing?

sb: i am cooking dinner.

汇报表演中,以故事书作为奖品送给学生,3、新授reading a book

1) t: come is for you.(把故事书奖给他) ,please sit on the chair and read it.

师指着正在读书的学生说“what are you doing?”i am reading a book.

2)出示认读 :师范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)read中ea发/i/,book中oo发/u:/。学生跟读—抽读—one by one.

3) chant: reading, reading, reading a book 同上。

4) how to spell:you write with your finger in the sky .

5) 分小组进行问答。

4、新授drawing pictures

1)引出:生齐读:what are you doing? 师做动作:i’m …?让学生说出词组,然后做画画动作,i’m…?

2) 出示认读:师范读(强调ing、 dr的发音和边做动作边读单词)--跟读—抽读。drawing pictures.

3) t: follow me, please. i’m drawing pictures.

(做动作) what are you doing? s: i’m …抽学生说。

4) how to spell:同上。

5、新授answering the phone

1) 课件出示:**声响起, 引起学生注意,师说,oh,where is the me answer the phone. answer the phone.教师假装接**。

说:“i am answering the phone ”read after me .

2) 出示认读:师范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)师讲解单词的发音,字母w不发音。

3) read after me, answering the phone.

4) how to spell: 师板书学生边边拼用手在空中书写。




t: now, can you read it? if you can, please hand up!

(教师示意学生举手) who wants to h**e a try?师把学过的五张卡片放在一起,打乱顺序,依次出示,学生分成两组,一个组问:what are you doing ?


ss: a, what are you doing?

ss: i’m ….

t: now, it’s your turn. what are you doing? (对读得好的同学给予表扬you are job…)


3、小组之间角色扮演,this group act amy,that group act chen jie.




1) t: now, can you read it? if you can, please hand up!

(教师示意学生举手) who wants to h**e a try?师把学过的五张卡片放在一起,打乱顺序,依次出示,学生分成两组,一个组问:what are you doing ?


ss: a, what are you doing?

ss: i’m ….

t: now, it’s your turn. what are you doing? (对读得好的同学给予表扬you are job…)

3、act with your parner.

出示课件,chen jie and amy is talking.内容如下:

amy: hi,chen jie. what are you doing?

chen: i’m drawing pictures.

what are you doing?

amy: i’m reading a book.


三)课件出示let’s chant 。

what are you doing?

i am doing the are you doing?

i am drawing are you doing?

i am reading a are you doing?

i am cooking are you doing?


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