
发布 2023-03-12 17:41:28 阅读 8729


笔记:1. 可数名词的数。

a. 以f, fe结尾: self, thief, knife, shelf,leaf, life, wife, loaf, wolf - selves 特殊:

roofs, beliefs, proofs

但是: walkmans

c.以o 结尾+es: 初中阶段需要记住加es的名词有:

volcano negro hero tomato potato mango mosquito echo等,可以这样记:“火山上的黑人英雄爱吃土豆、西红柿、芒果和蚊子,有回声”。

其他加s: :radios, pianos, zoos, photos, kangroos, hippos

d. 单复数同形: sheep, deer, ,chinese, japanese, many fish(鱼的多少)

e. mouse(老鼠)mice (鼠标)mouses

f. 有些名词以-s结尾,但表达的是单数意义: news, maths, politics, physics, the uninted states

g. the greens格林一家人。 复数。

g. shoe shops, apple trees, girl students, sisters-in-law

women, men 做定语时:women doctors, men cooks

2 不可数名词。

a. 常见的不可数名词:

food, meat, fish, chicken,pork, beef, mutton, drink, orange, milk, tea, coke, water, rice, bread, homework, news, *****, ice, rain, snow, wind, cloud, air, weather, maths, chinese, english, music, information, fun,易理解错为不可数的名词: vegetable, fruit, chips, cakes, noodles

b. 有些不可数名词以复数形式出现时,意思有所变化。

work工作 works作品。

time时间 times年代。

sand 沙子 sands沙滩。

wood 木头 woods树林。

*****纸 *****s 试卷。

cloth布 clothes 衣服。

glass玻璃 glasses 眼镜。


a. lucy and lily’s 与lucy’s and lily’s区别。

b. of : 用来表示无生命的东西的所有格: the leg of the desk

但: *有些表示时间,距离,重量,价值,国家, 城镇,团体,机构等无生命的名词后也可加’s构成所有格:two hours’ walk, a pound’s weight, today’s news*****, 15 minutes’ walk

用to 表示的所有格:the key to the lock, the key to the door, the answer to the question, the way to school, the entrance to the building, the exit to the house等。

c. 用所有格表示某人家,店铺等:

at mr. wang’s; to my uncle’s ,at the doctor’s; at the tailor’s, at the barber’s

4. 相近名词辨析。

work &job; cook &cooker; problem &question; sound, voice&noise; family, house & home; amount&number; photo& picture, population &people

课堂练习: )1. it’s about walk from my home to the park.

a、two hour b、two hour’s c、two hours’ d、two of hours

)2. a group of are talking with two .

a、frenchmen; germans b、german; frenchmen

c、frenchmen; germen d、germans; frenchmans

)3. we should keep ourclean.

a、tooth b、tooths c、toothes d、teeth

)4. will you make with tom?

a、friend b、a friend c、friends d、the friend

)5. this chair is made of .

a、wood b、woods c、wooden woods

)6. the whole trip costabout three thousand dollars.

a、the green’s b、greens c、the greens d、the smith

)7turn green in spring.

a、leaf b、le**es c、le**e d、leafs

)8. september 10 is day.

a、the teachers’ b、teachers’ c、a teacher’s d、teacher’s

)9. when mr. brown came yesterday, his familyh**ing supper.

a、were b、is c、are d、was

)10. here isforyou.

a、a good news b、so good news

c、many good news d、a piece of news

)11. lin mei is a girl, she is a good student.

a、sixteen-years-old b、sixteen- year old

c、sixteen-year-old d、sixteen-old-year

)12. we must makefor the old on the bus.

a、room b、a room c、seat d、please

)13. what we are h**ing today!

a、fine weather b、a fine weather c、fine weathers d、fine a weather

)14. miss smith is a friend of .

a、mary’s mother b、mary’s mother’s

c、mary mother’s d、mother’s of mary

)15. ten were hurt, but no were lost in that traffic accident.

a、people; life b、people; lives

c、peoples; lives d、persons; life

)16. if these trousers are too big, buy a smaller .

a、set b、one c、piece d、pair

)17. ask the boy not to make any . i can’t fall asleep.

a、voice b、sound c、noise d、singing

)18. there are on the table.

a、a glass of b、a glass of milk

c、two glasses of water d、a glass of oranges

)19room is very nice.

a、tom and jim’s b、tom’s and jin’s

c、tom’s and jim d、tom and jim

)20. there are many in the hospital.

a、woman doctors b、women doctors

c、woman’s doctors d、women’s doctors

)21. would you try ?

a、the two times b、a second time c、times d、time

)22. china joined in 2001.

a、cctv b、pla c、nba d、wto

)23. shenzhen has so many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush .

a、a hour b、hours c、an hour d、moment

)24. jack won the race.


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