
发布 2023-03-10 04:47:28 阅读 1674

七年级英语where is the post office测试?

practice 1



.complete the following words we’ve learned in this unit and put them into chinese.根据本单元所学词汇,补全下列单词并注上中文。

p_st off_cev_de_ arc_de __

s_perm_rketp_y ph_ne __

**_nuacr_ss __

ne_ghb_rhoodstr_ _ght __


thr_ _ghairp_ _t __

.find out the word different from the others.找出划线部分读音与其他不同的词。

air.choose from the words given to fill in the blanks.选出正确的词填空。

the correct place to complete the sentences.选出正确的地点完成句子。

park,post office,video arcade,library,supermarket,restaurant,bank

you want to borrow a book,you will go to the __

you want to h**e fun,you will go to the __

you want to buy some food or household goods,you will go to the __

you want to h**e a meal,you will go to the __

you want to mail a letter,you will go to the __

the correct prepositions to complete the sentences.选出正确的介词完成句子。

between,on,through,next to,across,along,in

bank is __the park.

hotel is __seventh **enue.

video arcade is __the post office and the bank.

is a supermarket __the neighborhood.

pay phone is __the street from the library.

the correct adjectives to fill in the blanks.选出正确的形容词填空。


.form sentences.组句。(请注意大小写和标点符号)

s,a,center street,on

pay phone,the library,is,across from

is,the supermarket,and,the video arcade


.complete the following dialogue.完成下列对话。

a:excuse me, 25 the plant park?

b:go 26 this street,then 27 left at the second turning.

a: 28 29 is it from here?

b:it's about thirty minutes' walk.

a:can i 30 a bus?


a: 31 32 do i need?

b:the no.5 bus.

a:but where is the bus stop?

b:it' s on the 33 side of the street.

a:thank you very much.

b: 34 welcome.

unit 1

practice 1

.post office 邮局,video arcade 电子游戏中心,supermarket 超市,pay phone (投币式)公用**,**enue大道;林荫道,across从 (某物)的一边到另一边;横过,neighborhood附近;邻近地区,straight径直地;直接地,arrive到达;抵达,highway公路;交通干线,through 穿过;经过,airport飞机场。

.1~5 cadda

.a) arcade office

b) to

c) . there a bank near here?

s a hotel on center street.

pay phone is across from the library.

is between the video arcade and the supermarket.

s down bridge street on the right.

.'s 're


七年级英语where is the post office测试?practice 1 作业导航。1.掌握本单元的基础知识 where问句及方位介词的用法。2.能够通过练习熟练掌握问路 指路的表达法。complete the following words we ve learned in this ...


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