
发布 2021-03-02 21:49:28 阅读 2876


1.“你有乒乓球吗?” 是的,我有。”

___youa pingpong ball? —yes, i __

2. “她有足球吗?” 不,她没有。”

she __a soccer ballshe

h**e many排球)

4. 那听起来很有趣。

that二。 词汇专练。

a) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。

1. —do you h___a basketball? —yes, i do.

2. let's play v

3. math is very di don't like it.

4. this is an igame.

5. my sister wtv every day.


1.i only watch sports在电视上).

2.soccer is对我来说很容易).

3让我们) play tennis.

4.do you打篮球) every day?

5.i h**e a乒乓球拍).


1.sonia __h**e) a sports collection.

2. let's __play) soccer.

3. thatsound) relaxing.

4. he only watches __they) on tv.

5. we h**e threebaseball).


ming___like basketballhe likes football.

a. don't; but b. doesn't; or c. doesn't; but d.doesn't; and

2. —let's __tennis. —that sounds good.

a. play b. to play c.playing d./

3. —do you like soccer

a. i don't like b.i like it c. yes, i do d.no, i do

4your brothera great sports collection?

a. do; h**e b. does; h**e c. does; has d.do; h**e

every day.

a. watches b. watch c. looks d.sees

cousin doesn't like thinks it is

a. fun b. boring c. interesting d. good

7. i like to watch basketball games __tv.

a. on b.at c.in d.to

8. we __football. we play football every day.

a. like b. likes c. don't like d.doesn't like


1. i h**e a computer. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

___youa computeri

2.tom has a basketball. (改为否定句) toma basketball.

3. my father plays sports every day. (改为一般疑问句)

your fathersports every day?

4. does bill h**e a soccer ball? (作否定回答) no

5. we play tennis.(变成由let开头的祈使句tennis.

五。 词汇专练。

a) 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词

1.i h**e hamburgers for b

2. potatoes, tomatoes and carrots are v

3. cai yilin is my f**orite singing s___

4. she eats健康的) food every day.

5. my brother doesn't like草莓).


1. 排球明星2. 健康的食物。

3. 饮食习惯4. 吃早餐。

5. 吃午餐。


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