
发布 2023-02-23 01:00:28 阅读 8560



1. this a photo of my f

2. my gis very old.

3. what's this ienglish?

4. my friend jean sends(寄) me a p

5. do you know the ato this question?

6. what's your telephone n

7. here's my id c

8. this is a cgame. i like it.

9. my sis new and big. my teachers are very friendly.

10. his pare workers. they work in a factory.

11. please t___the keys to your brother.

12. my notebook is u___the bed.

13. the m___book is on the dresser.

14. my hat is on the f___under the table.

15. my v___tape is on the sofa.


16. —wherebe) the backpacks? —they are on the sofa.

17. look! yourtape) are on the bed.

18. there are somechair) in the room.

19. please take thesething) to your brother.

20. can youbring) your new(新的) photos here this afternoon?

21. my sisternot h**e) a soccer ball.

22. bruce onlywatch) sports on tv!

23. michaelh**e) a computer.

24. let’sgo) to play volleyball.

25. does your fatherplay) sports every day?


图2627 282930

26. i like to eatvery much.

27. do you like

28. this is a

29. my father likes eating

30. we can eat somethis evening.


31. sandra clarkeat) eggs and apples every day.

32. somestrawberry) are on the table.

33. my sisterlike) bread and milk for breakfast.

34. we should(应该) eatgood) every day.

35. tony likesrun).


36. thisis fifteen yuan.

37. how much are these

38. do you like this red

39. the white shorts are onfor 25 yuan.

40. his father is ain a bank(银行).

b) 根据句意写出下列各句中某个词的对应词或反义词。(5分)

41. your room is big, but our room is __

42. i don’t like this black shirt. i like that __one.

43. this skirt is too long. do you h**e a __one?

44are my books and those are his books.

45. you can __to my home, and we go to the store together(一起).


46. we s__ the floor just half an hour ago.

47. the boy h___eating rice day after day.

48. some tlike surfing the internet very much

48. karen b___a storybook from one of her friends.

50. our teachers are h**ing a m___in the teachers' office.


surf, keep, cook, rises, are, go, like, help, watch, sleep

51. sometimes we __food at home.

52. i __drinking milk.

53. we often __cctv news at 7:00 in the evening.

54. i __the internet once a day.

55. the results for “read english books”__fun.

56. how often do you __to the english corner?

57. everyone will __you if you need any help.

58. the sun __once a day.

59. walking can __you in good health.

60. i __nine hours every night.


old man锻炼)every morning.

often购物).on weekends.

63. we must保持 )our classroom clean.

64. there are some __不同) between the two pictures.

65. he几乎不)goes to restaurant for dinner.

66. katrina doesn't often喝)coffee,,she likes green tea..

67. my eating习惯) are not very good.

must __设法) to work hard.


69. how odo you come to school late? never.

70. farmers milk some mfrom cows.

71. j___food isn’t good for your health.

72. i can’t do it by myself. can you hme?

73. i eat fruit three ta week.

74. my father is very busy. he only plays basketball o___a week.

75. does he drink milk every morning? no, hardly e___


76. i likebecause i h**e music on that day.

77. there are many big and nice城市) in china.

78. mary likesbecause it’s interesting.

79. his f**oriteis miss zhang.

80. they don’t think生物) is interesting.


发布日期 2006 07 12 发表评论信息 创仕网。一 考查单词的拼写能力 1 the new boy had so many strange questions that his teacher didn t u him.2 people use 现代的 machines to do much ...

人教版七年级英语 上 句型翻译专项练习

人教,版,七年级,英语,上,句型,翻译,专项,练习,七年级英语 上 句型翻译专练。1.这是我的朋友迈克。2.我很高兴见到你。3.她叫什么名字?她叫玛里牙。4.你的 号码是多少?是237856 5.你的地址是什么?东山路。6.这个用英语 中文 怎么说?文具合。7.这 那 是你的电脑吗?是的。8.这些是...

人教版七年级英语 上 句型翻译专项练习

1.这是我的朋友迈克。2.我很高兴见到你。3.她叫什么名字她叫玛里牙。4.你的 号码是多少是237856 5.你的地址是什么东山路。6.这个用英语 中文 怎么说文具合。7.这 那 是你的电脑吗是的。8.这些是公交车吗不是的。9.这钢笔什么颜色绿色。10.这袜子什么颜色蓝色。11.你怎样拼读颜色。12...