
发布 2022-07-25 06:57:28 阅读 4664



(a) 从下列选项中选择恰当的选项完成下列对话。

a: what do you usually do after school , d**id ?

b: _1___how about you , jenny ?

a: i usually do my homework . 2___

b: what sport do you usually play ?

a: _3___

b: i don’t like basketball . my f**orite sport is tennis , and i often play tennis .

a: _4___

b: no , i can’t . 5___he often plays volleyball with his friends .

a. i usually draw pictures . b.

i like playing basketball . c. but my brother can .

d. i can’t play basketball . e.

can you play volleyball ? f. but sometimes , i play sports with my brother .

(b) 根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个词),使对话完整。

a: excuse me . can i ask you some questions ?

b: sure .

a: _1___do you usually get to school ?

b: usually at 7:30 .

a: how many subjects do you h**e ?

b: seven .

a2b: i like math best , 3___it’s very interesting .

a: do you like music ?

b: yes , i do .

a4b: no , i can’t . but i can play the drums .

a: thank you .


mr. white is from the usa. he (1)__our english teacher.

his classes are very funny. we all (2)__him.

there (3)__four people in mr. white’s family: mr.

white , his wife and his two sons---tom and jim.

mrs. white can (4)__chinese well, and she (5)__in a hospital( 医院). tom and jim are in our class.

they are twins(双胞胎), but they are different. tom is tall and he likes (6)__blue t- shirts. jim is short and he often wears black shirts.

however(然而), they both (7)__soccer well. after school, we often (8)__a soccer game. sometimes, mr.

white plays (9)__us. but he can’t (10)__fast because he is too he**y. he plays soccer just for fun.


)a:hi, miss zhang. 1

b:yes, of course.

a:you are a teacher ,right?

)b:yes. 2

a:teachers are always busy. what do you often do when you are free?

)b: 3

a:do you often do sports at weekends ?

)b:yes, 4

a:would you like to go to play it with me this afternoon?

)b: 5 let's meet at the school gate.






1、there are five people in my family.(就划部分提问)

how __peoplein your family?

2、the woman in purple is d**id’s wife.(就划线部分提问)

is d**id’ s wife?

3、 that is a bus .(变为复数句子)

4、 his new trousers are brown.(就划线部分提问)

his new trousers?

5、i am in row 2.(变为一般疑问句)

in row 2?

6、there are some kites in the sky.(变为否定句)

there are___kites in the sky.

7、is mimi in the tree now ?(做出否定回答)

no, it

8、meimei’s grandfather is seventy(七十).(就划线部分提问)

is her grandfather?

9、please give me the ruler.(写出同义句)

please give the ruler

10. tom does his homework every day.(改为否定句)

tomhis homework every day.

11 she is from england.(同义句)


12 i watch tv at seven in the evening.(用sandy代替句子主语)

tv at seven in the evening.

13. they enjoy going fishing at the weekend.(对划线部分提问)

they enjoyat the weekend?

14. she is tall and strong. (对划线部分提问)

does she

15. miss lu is our english teacher. (同义句)

miss luenglish.

16. her birthday is on march 8th.(同义句)

sheon march 8th.

17. it's time for games now .

it's timegames now.

18. he likes apples best.

fruit(水果) is apples.


mr. white___be) an english man. he teaches english.

his english class is very interesting. he __like) us and we like him, too. mr.

white __h**e) two children—tom and lucy. tom __be) seven and __he) sister lucy is four. tom __go) to school but lucy __not go) to school .

mr. white likes to wear a t-shirt and jeans(牛仔裤). football is __he)f**orite sport.

after school we h**e a basketball match. mr. white often __watch) and joins (加入) us.

he __play) basketball just (只是) for fun.


七年级英语下册专项练习 units 1 6 一 把下列短语翻译成英语 1.弹吉它2.下棋3.说英语4.加入艺术俱乐部5.游泳俱乐部。6.讲故事俱乐部7.讲故事。8.下课后9.放学后。10.打鼓11.打篮球。12.敬老院13.在周末。14.交朋友15.说英语16.善于与某人相处。17,给某人打 18....


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